Chapter 4:

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November 21:

I woke up early today. I couldn't sleep all night. Knowing Nick left to go home. So many thoughts are running through my mind. I want to call him but I feel like this is what we need.

I went for a morning hike and I got to the top to admire the sunset and just let go of what I feel. I had written a letter of how I felt and threw it. It makes me feel less pressure and I love it.

Two hours later.

I just came back from the hike. I went to go get breakfast and coffee before I got home. I barely put the car in park when I get a call.

*you answered without looking who it was*

Nick? Baby I-

it's not Nick

who's this?

it's Corbyn

oh hey

after so many years this is how
you answer me?

I'm sorry Corbyn I just thought
you were Nick

sorry to disappoint

*you smiled*

what can I do for you?

I was wondering if you're
doing anything today?

oh uhm I was just gonna go
waste time

you want to waste time together?

what do you have in mind?

how about you send me your
location? And I'll pick you up
just wear something like comfy clothes

kinda scared but okay I'll send
you my location

see you in a bit

I ended the call and sent Corbyn my address. After doing that, I went straight to the shower.

An hour later.

I did a simple blue eyeliner and let my hair down *swipe to see*. I finished picking out my clothes *swipe to see* when the door bell rang. I checked through my window to see Corbyn. I ran down the stairs and opened him the door.

Y/N: hey
*you guys hugged*
Corbyn: hey you're ready?
Y/N: I just need to change why don't you come in and make yourself comfortable? I won't take long
Corbyn: sure
*you move to the side & he walks in as you close the door*
Corbyn: woah this is nice
Y/N: thank you
*he looks around*
Corbyn: this definitely screams you
Y/N: I tried my best anyways kitchen is down the hall and to the right is my snack room help yourself with anything I'll be down in a sec
Corbyn: okay

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