Chapter 17

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Next Morning.

We all woke up at the same time. We got ready and put our things in my car. We changed into comfy clothes for our trip.

Y/N: alright you guys ready?
Ashley: I'm ready for Vegas
Jordan: it's been a long time
Y/N: let the road-trip begin

We got our things in the car and I put my house alarm on. After a while, we got some food and drinks to help us stay awake for our 5 hour drive. We were singing along to music.

Almost 5 hours later.

We're almost to our hotel room when Ashley turns down the music.

Ashley: okay I'm sorry but I can't get it out of my head
Y/N: what?
Jordan: what's gonna happen with you and Corbyn?
Ashley: that
Y/N: ugh well I don't know
Ashley: what do you mean you don't know?
Y/N: I don't know what it meant for him we both just ended a relationship
Jordan: you both are dying for each other Y/N
Y/N: I know I've been waiting for so long to get his attention but i have to wait for him to say something
Ashley: I said you should take the first step
Y/N: what if I say something that imma regret?
Ashley: well then he knows how you feel
Y/N: right now we both need space to figure it out

Corbyn's POV:
I can't stop thinking about that kiss. Only if she knew how long I've been waiting to touch those lips of hers. Everyone around us knew how I felt towards her and how it broke me when we didn't talk and broke our connection. I told Jordan about it since I went straight to his place to tell him. He told me I should talk to her and figure out what the kiss meant for the both of us. He's right I should do it but what if she doesn't feel the same way and I look like an idiot.

I couldn't sleep all night so I decided to go for an early morning run. So many thoughts we're going through my mind. I don't know what the kiss meant for her or what it meant for me. Everyone said we had an INSEPARABLE LOVE. That no matter what we always end up finding each other and I never saw it that way. God only if she knew how in love I was with her growing up. I should have listen to Ashley and Jordan and confessed to her earlier.

A few minutes later.

I took a little break from running and didn't realize I was on Y/N's street. I walked towards her house and saw that Jordan and Ashley were getting in her car. I saw that they put suitcase in her trunk. I called Jordan to see if he would answer but he just let it ring. I did the same thing to Ashley and she hanged up. I saw that they were pulling out of the drive and decided to run back home.

Present Time:

I went to go see the boys and get their advice on this. I really want to talk to her but I know she's gonna want space. We're all planning on hanging out at Daniel's place and record some vocals.

*he walks to the studio*
Corbyn: yoo
Zach: yo Corbyn's here
Jonah: what's with the face?
Daniel: that's his normal face
Jack: I know Jonah he can't help it
*Jonah throws Jack a pillow*
Corbyn: I need your guys advice on something
Daniel: what's up man?
*he tells them everything that happened*
Jack: wait so you broke up with Lera?
Corbyn: yeah I did
Jonah: something else happened?
*he nods*
Daniel: no way
Jonah: you guys kissed
Corbyn: yeah I kissed her
Jack: ah shit
Zach: well did you guys talked?
Corbyn: no we both just got up and I left
All: what?!
Zach: you're stupid for doing that
Corbyn: I know and we haven't talked since
Daniel: how long did this happen?
Corbyn: just yesterday
Jack: are you serious? I thought it happened a couple days ago
Jonah: look right now you guys need to give each other space to figure out what the kiss meant for you guys
Daniel: Jonah's right and if you both agree then you guys can take it slow to the next level
Corbyn: you guys are right
Jack: no i don't think so if i was you i would tell her right now how you feel about each other
Zach: Jack's right shes probably right now wondering why you haven't called her or even wondering why you decide to not go on that dinner
*he sits down on the couch*
Corbyn: well shes not in LA right now
Daniel: what do you mean?
Corbyn: she left with Ashley and Jordan
Jack: where?
Corbyn: i don't know i tried calling them but they didn't answer
Jonah: wait how do you know this?
Corbyn: i went for a early run since i couldn't sleep and i happened to be at her street and thats when i saw them leave
Zach: stalker much?
Corbyn: i wasn't stalking i was running
Zach: whatever point is i think you should call her
Jonah: no give her space
Jack: bro shes probably asking them why you haven't called we know how much you love each other you can see it from hundreds of miles from here
Daniel: no she has enough on her plate she just needs time and you do too
Jonah: look just do whatever you want to do you have our support
Corbyn: thanks guys now let's record

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