Chapter 16

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Yup that kiss actually happened. We both pulled away and just stared at each other until we both got up and went on each side of my room.

Corbyn: I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that
Y/N: no don't apologize it was just in the heat of the moment
Corbyn: right
Y/N: alright imma go take a shower and we can go get dinner
Corbyn: actually let's just reschedule
Y/N: are you sure?
Corbyn: yeah you must be tired from being in the plane
Y/N: no I slept the whole way here
Corbyn: look I don't want this to weird because of the kiss
Y/N: so let's not make it weird Corbyn
Corbyn: but I know it is so I'm just gonna go and we can get dinner another time
*he leaves*
Y/N: Corbyn

I sat down on the bed and think about the situation. Did I really have my first kiss with Corbyn? I can't believe it happened. Now he's gonna let it get in the way of us. He's gonna let it be weird. I just wish he knew how long I've been waiting for this moment.

I decided to take a shower and get ready. After a while, I finished taking a shower and called Brandon as I got ready.

hey brother

hey sis

are you home?

i will be in 10 why whats up?

I wanted to hear your songs today

i thought you had dinner with Corbyn

Corbyn had a fight with his girlfriend
and wanted time alone

oh then just give me 10 minutes
and I'll be there

okay are the boys home?

they should be

okay imma finish getting ready and
I'll be there

okay i won't take long


An hour later.

I finished getting ready and ordered pizza just a few minutes from ending the call with Brandon. I got my things and put my house alarm on. I headed over to the pizza shop and picked them up.

A few minutes later.

I finally got to the boys' house and set the pizzas down at the counter. I walked in to their mini studio. I hugged all the boys and I saw Nick. I couldn't ignore him so I gave him a side hug.

Brandon: what took you so long?
Y/N: I went to go get y'all pizza it's on the counter
Zion: oh that's sound good I'm hungry
Edwin: of course you are
Austin: hey Y/N they're saying hi to you
Y/N: who?
*you saw that the boys were streaming*
Y/N: oh shit I didn't see y'all were streaming
Nick: we're always streaming
Y/N: I can see that
*Brandon send you a message*
they're asking you about the side
hug you gave Nick and why not a

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