Chapter 13

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As we walked out, I turned to look at Brandon and he smiled at me. We can hear the "oooo" coming from the boys. I knew he was gonna guide me to his room but I stopped.

Y/N: let me turn off the stove before the food burns
*he lets your hand go*
Nick: your delicious food can get burn

We both giggled. I missed that. The excitement to see him again I just missed that. I know I can't let us happen again. He's a good guy and any girl would be lucky to have him but I'm not that girl anymore. I turned off the stove and we walked to his room.

Y/N: I see you did a bit of
*you saw a hole on the wall as he sits on his bed*
Y/N: remolding
Nick: I was mad that day from the meeting and I did that
Y/N: yeah about that
*you look at him*
Y/N: why did you do it?
Nick: I don't know
*he walks to you*
Nick: I guess jealousy came over me Y/N
*he grabs your hand*
Nick: I still love you Y/N I can't seem to let you go just the thought
*he lets you go*
Nick: of you being with someone else and doing what we use to do together as a couple just hurts me to know we're not gonna do those anymore
Y/N: and you don't think I feel the same? Nick I still love you
*he kissed you & you kissed back & placed your hand on his chest*
Y/N: but I wouldn't have done what you did
*you turned around & started to walk towards the door but he holds your hand*
Nick: I'm sorry Y/N I shouldn't have done that
Y/N: I forgive you but I can forget it

I walked out and hold back my tears. I went to the kitchen and saw that the boys were serving themselves. I tired to act like nothing happened but I guess I couldn't so I decided I should go.

Y/N: imma get going I still got more venue to look at tomorrow and I want to sleep
Edwin: you okay?
Y/N: yeah I just need to sleep get my energy build up for tomorrow
Brandon: I'll walk you to your car sis
Y/N: okay
*you look at the boys*
Y/N: goodnight guys
Boys: goodnight
*you both started walking towards the door & Nick comes out & you look at each other*
Both: bye

As soon as I stepped out with Brandon, I let the tears go. I couldn't hold it any longer. Brandon quickly wrapped his arms around me. We were like that for a while.

Brandon: you okay?
Y/N: I am now
Brandon: did you guys talked?
Y/N: yeah I asked him why he did it
Brandon: and?
Y/N: He told me that the thought of me being with someone else doing things we did with someone else got over him
Brandon: so I was right?
*you slapped his arm*
Y/N: point is I told him I felt the same but I wouldn't have done what he did
Brandon: im sorry I know how much you loved each other but you both got to let each other go
Y/N: I know but it's gonna be hard
Brandon: what do you mean?
Y/N: we kissed and I didn't pull away and I wanted to do it again but I walked out
Brandon: well did he apologize?
Y/N: he did
*Jordan message you*
hey can I stay over at your house
so I can continue the search?

yeah I'll be on my way
give me 20 minutes

I'll be waiting
*you looked at Brandon*
Y/N: I have to go Jordan is waiting for me
Brandon: how are they?
Y/N: they're good...they miss you
Brandon: i miss them too
Y/N: alright I have to go brother and thank you for everything
Brandon: and thank you for dinner

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