Chapter 20

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Anna went to go get her things and said goodbye to her cousins. Mya and her husband Alex have 3 amazing kids. Two boys, Angel and Adrian and one girl, Mayra. Nick and I are godparents of Adrian since he's the oldest. Mayra and Anna are like best friends and they do everything together. So their goodbyes were harder than what we thought.

Y/N: Anna baby you ready?
Anna: I don't want to go anymore
Y/N: why not?
Anna: I don't want to leave May
Y/N: aww baby
*she runs to you & hugs you & you squat*
Y/N: what if May comes with you on your uncle's tour while her parents get settle in Texas and we could drop her off when we get to Texas
Anna: yes May you're coming with us
Y/N: we have to ask Mya and Alex for permission first
*you 3 look at them*
Mya: that's fine with me
*you all look at Alex*
Alex: May you have to listen to everything Y/N and Nick tells you okay?
Mayra: yes dad I'll behave
Anna: let's go pack your bag Mayra
Alex: I'll help the girls

A few minutes later.

We said our final goodbyes as the girls run out the door hand to hand. Since we still have a few hours before we head to the venue we decided to walk around New York.

Y/N: girls we're gonna head to the hotel so we can leave your things and we'll head out to get ice cream
Girls: yess!
Y/N: alright let's go

We got in the Uber and headed to the hotel. After a while, we finally got to the hotel and we went straight to the room.

*you opened the door*
Y/N: alright girls leave your things next to mine
Girls: okay
*they left their things next to yours*
Y/N: you girls ready?
Girls: yess
Y/N: let's get some ice cream
Girls: Ice cream

Corbyn's POV:
Y/N Arreaga is all I can think about. My best friend since forever but my crush since what feels like infinity. It hurt me so much to see her with someone else growing up. I thought moving away will help me get rid of my feelings for her but it didn't. Don't get me wrong being with Christina helped me a bit and not have contact with Y/N helped even more but the memories are what made it hard.

The boys wanted to get dinner and drinks but I'm honestly not in the mood for it. It's been two days and I haven't left my house knowing I messed up with Y/N. Lera has told everyone to convince me to get back with her but they all ignored her. My parents never liked her and Ashley and Jordan were barely getting to like her until Y/N came then they stopped.

A few hours later.

I bought myself dinner and I decided to watch a tv and eat until my front door opens and in walks Ashley and Jordan.

Both: what's up Corbs?
Corbyn: couldn't you guys knock?
Jordan: we could but
Ashley: we didn't want to
Corbyn: what do you want?
Ashley: we want to know if you talked to Y/N
Corbyn: why do you guys want to know?
Jordan: because you both need us to help you figure this out
Corbyn: look I've talked to the boys and they helped me out
Ashley: and what exactly did they help you?
Jordan: don't get me wrong I love the boys but sometimes they don't know what they're saying so what they say you should do
Corbyn: two of them said I should give her and myself space to see what the kids meant for us
Jordan: and the other two?
Corbyn: said I shouldn't and just talk to her now and figure it out together
Ashley: who said that? I need to talk to them
Jordan: let me guess Jonah and Daniel?
Corbyn: no it was Jack and Zach
Jordan: the short guys? In your band?
Corbyn: I know I was shocked
Ashley: well I applaud them for being smart you should go talk to her right now
Corbyn: I can't
*he gets up & walks to the kitchen*
Ashley: what do you mean you can't?
Corbyn: what I mean is that she's gone with her ex and her brother to their tour and who knows when she's gonna come back
Jordan: she's in New York she barely got there a few hours ago you say it like she went underground
Ashley: you guys have this INSEPARABLE LOVE that I wish I could have but it's hard to find what you two have I saw that you didn't have that same exact love with your other girlfriends
*she pulls out a photo book*
Ashley: Jordan and I have to go but I kept these so whenever you both need that push to get together you can always see that INSEPARABLE LOVE from each other
*Ashley hands it to him & he got it*
Jordan: listen to us we've grown up with you both and we know the things you both said to each other

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