Chapter 6

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December 23:

It's our last stop before our 2 weeks off happens. Maggie and I have been shopping at every stop we've made. So we wouldn't be buying gifts at the last minute. Right now we're doing rehearsals and sound check. Brandon and the rest of the boys are showed up.

Y/N: boys!
Brandon: hey sis
*you guys hugged*
Austin: hey
*you guys hugged*
Edwin: what's up?
*you guys hugged*
Zion: hey, how was the road?
*you guys hugged*
Y/N: it was amazing got to see new things and old things
*you felt arms go around your waist & lips on your neck*
Nick: and by old things she means me
Y/N: baby!
*you turned around & kissed*
Edwin: since when did y'all makeup?
Nick: since their New Jersey show
Brandon: let me guess Y/N drove to your house and then she said let's go for a drive and then makeup sex
Austin: I doubt that's wh-
*they look at you guys & you both looked down*
Edwin: naughty
Austin: y'all need to be careful then mini Nicks or mini Y/N are gonna happen
*you all laugh*
Brandon: anyways imma go see Maggie
Y/N: she should be on stage
*he walks towards the stage*
Y/N: you guys want to go to the green room?
Zion: yes is there food because I'm starving

A few hours later.

Maggie is finishing up with her concert and Nick and I will go get dinner. When Maggie is done with her last song, she starts to thank her fans and her managements for being here and all that stuff but I heard my name and was told to come up on stage.

*you were handed a mic & walked on staged & everyone cheered*
Maggie: so not many of you know this but Y/N here sings
Y/N: no I don't
Maggie: oh yes you do
*the boys yell*
Boys: yes you do
Y/N: okay I sing on my own time but I'm not good as you or any singers
Maggie: well we're gonna let the crowd be the judge of that so I want you to sing with me
Y/N: I don't know
Maggie: come on everyone let's convince Y/N
*everyone started yelling your name*
Everyone: Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!
Y/N: okay I'll do it
Maggie: this is Friends Go
*the music starts playing*
Maggie: where did all my friends go? I miss those late nights, just you and I up in my bedroom 'til sunrise, could spend the night talking to you...
*she sings a little bit more until she signals you to sing the next part*
Y/N: Nobody gets me the way that you get me they just keep on sayin' you're imaginary, not true (it's not true) I can't imagine my life without you...white jacket , white pills told me I would feel better but now you ain't here, will I ever feel better? 'Cause if you're only in my head I don't wanna get out of bed
Both: I'm all by myself where did all my friends go? I miss you like hell I know you'll be back though they said I'm crazy, they took you away now I'm all by myself where did all my friends go?

We finished singing the song and everyone started chanting your name. Maggie hugged you and the boys rushed to hug you guys. We both hugged the boys individually. Nick kissed me as Brandon kissed Maggie and the crowd goes wild. We all wished them a happy holiday and walked off stage.

Y/N: was that your idea Maggie?
Maggie: it was actually Brandon's idea
Y/N: oh my god!
Brandon: what? You did amazing Y/N
Nick: you need to sing more baby
Austin: you have an amazing voice
Y/N: I'm not a singer I don't do that and I don't want to take that talent from my brother
Brandon: you're not taking anything you got that on your own
Y/N: that's the last time I'm singing on a stage
Everyone: okay
Y/N: alright now if you will excuse us Nick and I have some catching up to do
Edwin: and by catching up they mean having sexy time
Austin: I'm surprised they haven't gotten pregnant
Y/N: well Nick never fails to pull out
Everyone: ewwww! TMI

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