Chapter 23⚠️

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Next Morning.

I woke up by someone jumping on my bed. I turned to see that Anna was up. I looked behind her and saw Corbyn with breakfast. I looked at my clock and saw that it was about to be 7.

Y/N: it's 7 in the morning
Anna: well Corbyn has a surprise mama
Y/N: oh really
*Anna sits next to you & you wrapped your arm on her shoulders & gave her a kiss on her head*
Corbyn: I do but first you need to eat Anna and I made it
*he place it on your lap & gives you a kiss on the forehead*
Y/N: it looks and smells delicious guys
*you take a bite*
Y/N: oh god this is amazing
Anna: really?
Y/N: yes baby it is you want some
*you feed her*
Anna: I think I should cook more
*you all laugh*
Y/N: so what's the surprise?
Corbyn: well I asked Anna what she wanted to do and she said
Corbyn: so guess where we going?
Y/N: no Corbyn that's too much
Corbyn: I don't want to it tickets are already bought we just need to go so I'll see you girls in 2 hours
Anna: were you going?
Corbyn: im going home and get ready and you princess
*he walks over to Anna as you continue eating*
Corbyn: are gonna make sure mom here don't take too long
*he tickles her & she laughs*
Anna: okay okay
Corbyn: alright see you in a few
*he walks out*
Anna: mama can he be my dad?
Y/N: I don't know baby we would have to wake a bit
Anna: aunt Ashley said you guys have a INSEPARABLE LOVE and that you guys are meant to be together
Y/N: well
*you put the plate on the nightstand*
Y/N: aunt Ash says crazy ideas
Anna: I love Nick and he was like my real dad but I want Corbyn to be my daddy
Y/N: I know baby
*you give her a kiss*
Y/N: how about we get ready and later you can ask Corbyn?
Anna: okay
Y/N: come on let's go get you an outfit and get you ready

A few minutes later.

Isabel got Anna ready while I got ready. I told her to have the day off since she was gonna be making dinner but Corbyn made plans. She wanted to help with getting Anna ready so I can get ready as well. I told her she come along but she said I should take this time to be with him and Anna.

Isabel isn't just my maid. She's my best friend. I've told her everything that happens. Every time I felt alone, she was there. She was the one that told me I should have Anna with me. Don't get me wrong I love my daughter with all my heart but I wasn't sure to have her move in with me since imma be all over the place.

Almost 2 hours later.

I just finished my hair and makeup *swipe to see* and quickly changed into my outfit *swipe to see*. I went to go check up on Anna. I noticed she was watching a movie with Isabel and eating chips.

Y/N: baby don't eat too much chips you're not feel good after the rides
Anna: okay
*you sit down*
Isabel: I made you a guys a bag full with snacks and two iced water bottles
Y/N: aww thanks Isabel you should go with us so we can be even
Isabel: maybe next we can have a girls day with Ashley
*Corbyn walks in*
Y/N: then it's a date
Corbyn: what's a date?
Isabel: we made plans to go out but y'all should get going
*she winks at Corbyn & she gets up*
Isabel: I'll see you girls next week
Anna: bye Isabel
Isabel: bye baby
*she gives her a kiss on the cheek & hugs you*
Y/N: oh before you leave
*you reach under the couch*
Y/N: happy early birthday
*you hand her a jewelry box*
Isabel: you didn't have to Y/N
Y/N: I know but I wanted to do open it I hope you like it
*she opens it & sees a set*
Isabel: oh my Y/N thank you so much
*she hugs you tight*
Y/N: I saw you eyeing it a while back and thought I should buy it for you
*you guys pulled away*
Isabel: thank you so much
Y/N: you're welcome
Isabel: alright I should get going and have fun at Disney
*she leaves*
Corbyn: you girls ready for Disneyland?
Both: yesss!

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