Chapter 12

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Next Morning.

I woke up with a huge hangover but I pushed through it. I went for a drive to get breakfast for Ashley, the boys and I. The guy who took my order was flirting with me but I picked to ignored it. As I was about to leave, I bumped into Lera and what I'm guessing her twin.

Lera: well isnt the girl who's trynna steal my boyfriend
Y/N: I'm not trying to steal your boyfriend
Lera: you were flirting with him the day that I meet you
Y/N: oh yeah because saying hi to his family and catching up with his family is me flirting with him
Lera: you were all on him
Y/N: no that was you I was mostly with his sister unless Ashley was Corbyn then yeah I was
*she sighs*
Lera: oh you think you're funny?
Y/N: I don't think I am
*she walks away & you turned to look at her twin*
Y/N: hi I'm Y/N Arreaga Corbyn's childhood friend
...: it's nice to meet you I'm Adelia her twin
Y/N: well I'm happy to meet you
Adelia: you're really pretty
Y/N: so are you
Adelia: im so sorry about Lera she's never the jealous type
Y/N: you don't have to apologize for her actions
Adelia: shes been talking about you and to me it doesn't sound like you were flirting and plus Corbyn's band mates told me a lot about you and hope we can get to know each other
Y/N: same here imma
*you set down the food*
Y/N: give you my number and maybe we can hangout or something
*you gave her your number*
Adelia: i would love that I'll send you a text when I'm not around her
*you both giggled*
Y/N: well I got to get going I'll see you later
Adelia: of course bye
*she gives you a hug*

I got the food and went to my car. After a while, i got to my house and saw that Jordan was coming in.

Jordan: Goodmorning
Y/N: morning
Jordan: where you go?
Y/N: oh I went down the street
*you guys walked to the kitchen*
Y/N: to get breakfast and something for the hangover
Jordan: you got that too
*you both giggled*
Y/N: we did finish the liquor I got
Jordan: true I'll help you get more
Y/N: gonna get more later So you free later?
Jordan: duhh
Y/N: anyways guess who I ran into
Jordan: who?
Y/N: Le-
*Corbyn walks in*
Y/N: I'll tell you later...good morning Corbs
Corbyn: I don't know about good with this hangover
Jordan: you ain't the only one brother
Y/N: do you guys want coffee or tea?
Both: coffee
Y/N: coffee it is
*you started up the machine & Ashley walks in*
Ashley: morning
All: morning
Y/N: coffee?
Ashley: yes please this headache needs it
All: we know
*you started to make them coffee*
Y/N: anyway y'all mind getting the breakfast out I went to get it

They got the breakfast out of the bags and put them in plates. We decided to eat outside in the backyard. We set the food in the middle of the table and we took pictures and posted them on Instagram. I tagged them on my story and they tagged me on theirs. In a matter of seconds, Lera followed me and sent me a message. I just ignored it not caring what she said.

*you all started to serve yourself*
Y/N: any plans for today?
Corbyn: I think the boys and I are going to the studio and chill at Daniel's place
Jordan: I don't know what imma do besides going with you to get liquor
Ashley: Imma hang out with Sydnie and Ava today
Corbyn: what about you?
Y/N: going to see venues for tour that's if I still have a job
Corbyn: oh shot I forgot want me to delete it
Y/N: no it's fine
Corbyn: you sure?
Y/N: yeah

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