Chapter 24 (FINALE)

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A few minutes later.

We dropped down next to each other. He put his arm around my neck and pulled me closer to him. I connected his hand into mine.

Y/N: so I'm guessing you love it
Corbyn: I do so I wanted to wait until next week but I don't think I can anymore
*you sit up on him*
Y/N: what is it?
Corbyn: would you like to be my girlfriend?
*you leaned down to kiss his neck*
Y/N: yes Corbs I would love to
Corbyn: really?
*he flips you around & he hovers over you*
Y/N: yes Corbyn

In a matter of seconds, he smashed his lips on mine. As we were about to do another round, we heard a knock on the door. We got up and put our clothes back on. He opens the door and Anna walks in.

*she walks up to you*
Y/N: hey baby
*you both hugged*
Anna: when are we going home? I'm tired
Y/N: we can go right now
*you lift her up & she rest her head on your shoulder*
Corbyn: why dont you guys stay for the night?
Y/N: I would love to but I have a meeting tomorrow with the boss about the situation
Corbyn: let me take you home
Y/N: okay
*you guys walked downstairs & went up to the guys*
Zach: what took you guys so long?
Corbyn: we were just catching up and I showed her the book
Daniel: you finally showed her
*you both smiled*
Jonah: wait are you guys official now?
Y/N: Corbyn couldn't wait any longer
Jack: congrats guys
Y/N: thank you anyways thank you for taking care of Anna for a bit
Jack: she's an amazing girl
Zach: you should bring her here more often
Y/N: I will but we should get going
Jonah: you guys aren't staying for the night?
Y/N: no I have a meeting with the boss and my house is closer
*you start hugging them*
Y/N: so I'll see you guys tomorrow or later
Boys: bye Y/N and Anna
*sleepy voice*
Anna: bye
Corbyn: I'll be back in a bit

Next Morning.

I was gonna drop off Anna with Brandon and the boys while I go to the meeting. I'm kinda scared since they told me to stay away from the Why Don't We boys or I'll be fired and I've been seen a lot with them so let's see what happens. Isabel helped Anna get ready for day while I got ready.

Two hours later.

I finished with my hair and makeup and quickly changed into my outfit. Isabel is gonna drop me off since her car is getting fixed. We all got in the car and started driving to the PRETTYMUCH residence. After a while, we finally got there and we both got down while Isabel waited for us in the car.

*you girls walked in*
Zion: we're in the back
*you girls walked to the back*
Anna: Nick!
Nick: Anna!
*they hugged*
Nick: I missed you
Anna: I missed you too Nick
Y/N: Anna don't forget to say hi to everyone else
Anna: hi
Brandon: I'm hurt I don't get a hug
*Nick puts her down*
Nick: go give your uncle a hug before he cries
*she laughs*
Anna: okay
*she runs up to Brandon & they hug*
Edwin: don't you have the meeting with the boss today?
Y/N: yes and I'm scared
Austin: don't be scared Y/N no matter what happens we'll always be there for you
Brandon: it's not like I can escape from you I've tried my whole life
Y/N: yeah whatevers
*you started walking towards the front*
Nick: let us know what happens
Y/N: I will and take care of her
Boys: we will

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