Chapter 10

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A few minutes later.

We got to a fast food restaurant and order our food. We sat down at a table as we waited for our name to be called.

Brandon: you've been quiet what's up?
Y/N: nothing
Brandon: the whole purpose of this is for us to talk Y/N so what's on your mind?
Y/N: Nick what he did back there
Brandon: he had no right to throw you under the bus but it was gonna happen he's hurt Y/N
Y/N: and you think I'm not? B I was madly in love with him and it's like he wants me to suffer
Brandon: look at least he didn't say anything when the CEO was in there
Y/N: true but would he do it?
Brandon: maybe he's afraid of someone else winning your heart you guys been together longer than Maggie and I
Y/N: I know but I just hate that he did that
Brandon: if you want I can talk to him
Y/N: no I don't want you to get involved
Brandon: you know Austin is probably having that talk with him right now
Y/N: I know
Brandon: good luck to him
*you both laugh & your name got called*
Brandon: looks like our food is ready

We got our food and got in the car. We put our playlist and headed to Santa Monica pier.

A few minutes later.

We parked to a nearby parking garage. We walked towards the first bench and got our food out.

Brandon: can i ask why you guys broke up?
Y/N: ever since we came back from tour everything was different between
Brandon: what do you mean?
*he took a bit of his food*
Y/N: you know when we had a week off of tour?
Brandon: yeah?
Y/N: remember in New York I called you and the boys if y'all seen Nick and you guys said-
Brandon: we haven't seen him since we got to New York because you guys ran off
Y/N: Nick and I weren't together I went to go visit a friend of mine and Nick went to his friend's house to see his friends so my friend and I wanted to see if he would join us for dinner so I called him and he didn't answer so she called him and nothing and that's when I called you guys
Brandon: wait
*you took a bite of your food*
Brandon: you went to go see Corbyn's girlfriend, right?
Y/N: they're not together anymore
Brandon: really?
Y/N: yeah he told me when we hanged out
Brandon: she's didn't tell you
*you shake your head*
Brandon: that's crazy but like you were saying
Y/N: yeah so Christina and I decided to get dinner with her roommate and her best friend and after dinner we went to a club and that's when I saw Nick on the dance floor drunk with his friends and some girls
Brandon: WHAT?! Why didn't you tell me?
Y/N: it's not a big deal
Brandon: Y/N It's a bar things happen
Y/N: but nothing happened because we went to order our drinks and he went by himself and hit on me
Brandon: Nick doesn't hit on people
Y/N: see this is why I don't talk to you about my relationship
Brandon: im sorry what did he say or do?
Y/N: he said woah you're one beautiful group of women but especially you and he turns me around and saw that it was me then he pulled me to the bathroom and asked me what I was doing here and if I was following him but I told him I didn't and we started to argue and I left mad and I got wasted and we started dancing with other people and after a while Christina and her friends saw what we were doing and she pulled into an Uber and I started to break down
Brandon: so you were both making each other jealous by dancing with someone else
*you nod*
Brandon: im just confused on why you didn't tell us and why would you both say you were together the whole time?
Y/N: I didn't tell you or the boys anything because we promised to not tell anyone about it since the next day he found me and brought us breakfast and coffee
Brandon: how did he find you?
Y/N: he kept calling me all night and Christina's roommate answered and gave him the address but told him he should come tomorrow morning to talk so yeah ever since that day he's been asking me where I'm going and how long Imma be there
Brandon: well I'm sorry you had to go through that sis
Y/N: but now we're just work friends nothing else
Brandon: alright let's clean our mess and I'll take you back to the office to get your car

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