Chapter 18

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Next Morning.

We went to a club last night and we regret it. Now we have to drive back to LA. We woke up a little bit late. We decided to get ready for the release party that happening today that way when we get to my place we can just change into outfit. I just finished doing my makeup *swipe to see*. Im currently doing Ashley's makeup. I really don't mind doing other people's makeup. If I was doing what I was doing right now, I would become a makeup artist.

Jordan: so where do you girls want to eat?
Y/N: we can go to Denny's
Ashley: its good to know that your still a Denny's girl
*you all laugh*
Jordan: so are you gonna tell Corbyn about what happened?
Ashley: I totally forgot you haven't told him
Y/N: I want to tell him but I don't think I should
Ashley: why not?
Y/N: because I don't want to tell him what I did
Ashley: why don't you think you shouldn't tell him?
Y/N: ugh I don't know its just-
Jordan: fear?
Y/N: fear of what he's gonna think
Jordan: Y/N he's not gonna think anything bad
Ashley: come on Corbyn loves to be around kids
Y/N: yeah kids he's not gonna be seeing
Ashley: thats a lie and you know it
Jordan: look we're not gonna force you to do it but if yall gonna turn this friendship into something more you got to tell him
Y/N: and when that moment happens I'll say it, okay?
Both: okay
Ashley: does Brandon know?
Y/N: oh no he doesn't only you guys and Nick knows not even my parents
Ashley: I don't think I'll be able to hide it from my parents or these two
Jordan: have you seen her?
Y/N: I visit her whenever I can I'm actually gonna get it when we get to New York
Jordan: does that mean she's gonna move with you?
*you nod*
Ashley: oh my god!
*they hug you*
Jordan: we're so happy for you
*they pulled away*
Ashley: finally gonna have my baby niece
Jordan: how old is she now?
Y/N: she's about to turn 6 in 3 months
Jordan: 6 years? It felt like it was 3 years ago
Y/N: I know right I just can't wait

An hour later.

I finished doing my hair *swipe to see*. I put on an oversized shirt with shorts and my air forces. After a while, we went to go eat breakfast.

Almost 8 hours later.

It took us a bit longer to get to LA but we're finally here. Brandon called me as soon as we went to go get breakfast. He told me everything was getting set up and that he stayed at my house to help out. I opened my garage so I can park inside. I can already hear the music playing and noises coming from inside and outside my house. I texted Brandon to let him know we got here. Ashley and Jordan went to separate rooms to change. I went up to my room and changed into my clothes *swipe to see*. As I finished changing, I get a FaceTime call from my friend. I got my shoes and set my phone on my vanity and answered the call.

hey Mya

hey bestie

haven't talked to you in a while

I know we went camping for a while

how was it?

it was amazing the kids had so much fun

I'm glad

listen your baby wanted to talk
but I don't know if you're busy
since you look like you're going out

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