Chapter 19

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He leaves my room and he yells for the boys that were left to get in the car. After a while, the boys left and my house maid was cleaning up the mess from last night. My house maid is hardly here since I do work at home she only comes when I have a party or when I'm on tour. This time she's helping me get my baby's room fixed for once she gets here.

Our first stop is New York and I'm excited to have her back in my arms. I just saw her a few weeks ago and it feels like it's been years since I saw her. I'm most excited to see Brandon and Anna to meet.

Two hours later.

I finished doing my hair and makeup *swipe to see*. I did a quick outfit change *swipe to see*. I got my keys and headed to my office. After a while, I got my breakfast and coffee since I haven't ate yet.

A few minutes later.

I got to my office and took out my food while my computer starts up. I started to eat as soon as my boss gets in my office.

Y/N: goodmorning boss
Boss: goodmorning Y/N
Y/N: how you been?
Boss: good good what about you?
Y/N: busy as always
Boss: how's everything going?
Y/N: amazing all I need is to start the tour
Boss: that's good
*he closed the door & sits down*
Boss: we need to talk
Y/N: is everything okay?
Boss: I won't know until I see how you take it
Y/N: kinda scaring me here boss
Boss: what's going on with you and Atlantic?
Y/N: uhm nothing as I recall why?
Boss: ive been seeing you with one of their bands a lot and I just found out someone hacked into one of our systems
Y/N: wait what? When did this happen?
Boss: since you started hanging out with this band called Why Don't We
Y/N: what are you trying to say?
Boss: are you or are you not giving them information?
Y/N: what? I haven't been hanging out with them
Boss: I don't want to lose you you're the best one we have and I'll be bumped to see you go
Y/N: i promise i have nothing to do with it how about you let me see what's going on and I'll let you know
Boss: and how are you gonna do that?
Y/N: i have friends that have family members that work in the criminal Justice and I'll see if they can help out
Boss: I really hope it's not you
Y/N: it's not I'll prove to you
Boss: Imma need before your tour ends or else this room will be empty

He walks out and I just break down. Why do I feel like I'm being set up? Why me?

An hour later.

I just finished talking to my friend and told me they're gonna get it solved. I was about to call the New York to make sure everything is ready for the boys to rehearses when Maggie comes in.

Y/N: oh my god Maggie!
*you got up & you guys hugged*
Maggie: Y/N!
Y/N: I haven't seen you in a fat minute
*you guys sat down*
Maggie: I've been touring and traveling with friends
Y/N: that's amazing
Maggie: so what's new with you?

I told her what happened with my boss and she told me she was gonna help but I told her I got it covered.

Two hours later.

We caught up and I didn't realize it was already 5:30 in the afternoon. I told her I needed to make a quick call before we headed to get dinner but when I got the phone Brandon walks in.

Brandon: hey sis I was lo-
*he looks at Maggie*
Brandon: oh I didn't know you were here
Maggie: I just came back from traveling
Y/N: uhm what's up B?
Brandon: I wanted to know if you wanted to get dinner with Halie
Y/N: oh actually I'm go-
Maggie: you can go with them Y/N and we'll get brunch or dinner another time
Y/N: are you sure? why don't you come with?
Maggie: no that's okay
*she gets up & hugs you*
Maggie: we'll leave it for another day
Y/N: okay
Maggie: bye and update me with your situation
Y/N: I will bye Mags
*she walks out*
Y/N: uhm what's going on with you and Maggie?
Brandon: nothing
Y/N: that wasn't nothing
*you cross your arms as he sits down*
Brandon: we broke up
Y/N: what? I'm so sorry B how are you holding up?
Brandon: good
Y/N: are you sure?
Brandon: yeah im sure so are we going or no?
Y/N: let me just make a call and we'll go
Brandon: okay

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