Chapter 22:

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I was about to walk up the stairs when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to see Corbyn standing there.

Y/N: Corbyn? what are you doing here?
Corbyn: Ashley and Jordan told me you were back so I decided to come
Y/N: why?
Corbyn: so we can talk
Y/N: Corbyn you kissed me, walked out and didn't call or text me instead you went out like a ghost
Corbyn: I know
*he walked in*
Y/N: oh yeah come in
*you said it sarcastically*
Corbyn: look i did call you but you didn't answer
Y/N: bullshit you never called
Corbyn: I did I called you when you were in New York
*you checked your history & saw he called you when Anna was talking to Ashley*
Y/N: well i was busy wi-
*Anna comes downstairs running away from Jordan*
Anna: Mama help me
*she hides behind you*
Anna: uncle J is attacking me with his dusty fingers
Jordan: ahh
*Ashley laughs & soon stops when she sees Corbyn*
Ashley/Jordan: shit
*Isabel comes*
Isabel: dinner and table is ready
*she looks at Corbyn*
Isabel: oh dang

It was silent for a second until Anna decided to say something.

Anna: are you okay mom?
Y/N: yeah I'm okay baby
*you lift her up & carry her*
Corbyn: Mama? Mom? What's going on?
Ashley/Jordan: we're sorry Y/N
Y/N: it's okay it's time to tell them either way
Isabel: you want me to set another plate?
Y/N: uhm yes please
*she walks away*
Y/N: you want to know?
Corbyn: yeah
Y/N: come on
*they started walking towards the backyard*
Y/N: Anna baby remember i told you about meeting new people
*she starts playing with your necklace*
Anna: yeah you told me that soon I was gonna meet them
Y/N: well todays that day
Anna: really?
*she started smiling*
Y/N: yes you ready?
Anna: yess
*you put her down & started walking towards the backyard*
Anna: KIA!
*she runs toward Saskia*
Saskia: it's so nice to see you again
*she kissed her head*
Ray: AnAn!
*they hugged*
Gina: I didn't know Corbyn had kid
Chris: congrats
Corbyn: what? No she's not mine
Halie: then who's ki-
*you both looked at each other & put the pieces together*
Halie: no no no no
Gina: what?
Chris: you okay Halie?
*she gets up & softly slaps your arm*
Halie: you didn't tell me about this part!
Chris: what's going on?
Y/N: Anna come here
*she walks to you*
Y/N: mom, dad, Halie, Corbyn this is Anna my daughter
Gina/Chris/Corbyn: WHAT?!
*you guys walked up to them*
Y/N: Anna these are your grandparents and your aunt Halie and this is a friend of mine since I was your age Corbyn
Anna: hi
*she waves her hand & they hug her*
Gina: hi baby I'm your grandma
Chris: I'm your grandpa
Halie: and I'm your auntie
*she carries Anna & she plays with Halie's necklace*
Anna: mom told me a lot about you guys
Halie: funny because she didn't say a word about you
*you looked at Corbyn & he had a disappointing face*
Y/N: sorry i was just scared of being judged that's why I invited you guys to come and eat dinner
Isabel: food is ready
*they all take a seat & Corbyn starts walking away*
Y/N: can you guys take care of her for a bit?
Gina: of course

I started to walk towards him. I saw that he walked towards the front door. As he was about to open his car door, I started to yell his name.

Y/N: Corbyn...Corbyn...Corbyn!
Corbyn: what Y/N what?
Y/N: why didn't you say anything?
Corbyn: what do you want me to say?
Y/N: anything Corbyn I've prepared myself for your judgment
Corbyn: you think imma judge you?
*you nod*
Corbyn: well I'm not gonna judge you Y/N
Y/N: then say something for fuck sakes
Corbyn: why didn't you tell me? why didn't my own family tell me?
Y/N: i was scared of being judged by the person I love the most you know what the person I have been in LOVE with my whole life so I'm sorry if I didn't tell you I'm sorry for telling your family not to say anything to you
Corbyn: you could've told me Y/N
*he turns to look at you*
Y/N: and if I did what would have you done?
Corbyn: help you raise her be there to support you and her
Y/N: I know you would've but I also know that
*you put both of your hands on his cheeks*
Y/N: you would've put all the time you have to be with us and I didn't want you to do that
Corbyn: but I would've loved to be there for you
Y/N: I know

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