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"Can you get me a new rag, this one's—" Clint held up the rag he'd used to clean, his face scrunching in disgust

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"Can you get me a new rag, this one's—" Clint held up the rag he'd used to clean, his face scrunching in disgust. "Yeah." He groaned, tossing it into the bucket and wiping his wer hands onto his pants.

"I'll get—"

"No, you, stay. Every time I send you out to get something you take way too long. I don't know what you're doing but from now on, you sit your butt in that chair." Clint told me, and I slowly sat back in my seat, cowering down at the finger he'd waved in my face.

"That means I have to do it." Jeff muttered, getting up from his lounging position and going towards the door.

When Jeff left, Clint turned to me with a raised brow, "so, you going to tell me why you always seem to get lost finding your way to storage?" He asked, pulling his chair out and sitting across from me with curiosity clouding his face.

"I get distracted." I answered, shrugging lightly with a bored face.

"And what—no, let me rephrase, who distracts you?" He asked, leaning forward to get a good look at my pink tinted face.

"Nothing—no one, I just get distracted." Was I this bad at lying before the memory swipe?

"I bet I can take one guess at it and be correct." Clint said, a slight smirk growing on his face. I wanted to grab the nearest object and chuck it at him, but I wouldn't.

"There's nothing to guess, I go out there, people start chatting, asking me questions, I get distracted." I uttered out, glaring at him as he proceeded to pick at the question.

"I get distracted too, bean, but usually I don't go sticking my tongue down the distractions throat." He retorted, his smirk growing at his own words. I do not do that.

"You sure? Cause if you and Jeff need a bit more alone ti—" before I could finish, a box of gauze was being thrown at my head, fortunately, missing. "I'm kidding, you idiot!" I laughed, tossing the box back and hitting him in the chest.

"So you gonna stop lying to me, or what?" Clint asked, his mouth falling into a thin line as he glared at me.

"What am I lying about?"

"That you're not completely in love with Gally." Jeff blurted as he walked into the room, a knowing grin planted on his face.

"I'm not in love with him." I stated, rolling my eyes at his outrageous claim.

"Right, you just really like him." Jeff corrected himself and my face burned, he's right. "You know, we may be idiots but we're not blind. It's like every time you two think someone isn't watching you run off and assume we can't put the pieces together."

There was no way out of this one.

"So just fess up." Clint said, leaning forward in his seat with interest.

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