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My steps were quiet and slow, each creak of the floor making me flinch

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My steps were quiet and slow, each creak of the floor making me flinch. Minho's room being between Gally and I's was possibly the worst thing I could've asked for. While Minho slept like a rock, I knew he'd also been alert every second of the day. If he were to hear me sneaking from my room to Gally's, it was over for me.

When I got to his door, I slowly pushed it open, smiling when I saw him sound asleep, holding his pillow to his chest. I hadn't been able to sleep, knowing when I closed my eyes there would be a chance of seeing that awful woman. I closed the door when I stepped inside, walking to his bed and taking the pillow out from his arms—replacing it with myself.

His eyes were still closed, a soft hum escaping his mouth as he hugged his arms around me. "Couldn't sleep?" Gally asked, pressing his face to my chest as my hands cradled his head.

"How'd you know it was me?" I asked quietly, careful of the sleeping boy next door.

"I don't think anyone else would sneak in my room to cuddle." He mumbled, a tired chuckle leaving his mouth. His voice was rough from sleep, with a soft hushed tone that made me want to hear him talk for hours.

"Fry might."

"Well he hasn't."

"You sound upset about that." I joked, he squeezed my thigh in retaliation. "Hey, if you want to go and cuddle Fry, I'm not stopping you." His head lifted from my chest, and though I couldn't see his face I knew he was forcing a glare to hide his smile.

"Shut up and go to sleep." He muttered, turning his back towards me and taking my hands to wrap around him. I laced my fingers with his, closing my eyes as my head laid comfortably against the pillow. "I could stay here forever." Gally whispered, holding my hand tighter.

"Me too."

"Are you two bloody idiots?" A hushed voice hit my ears, waking me from the warmth of Gally.

"Newt, go away." I groaned, rubbing my eyes as Gally stirred awake.

"Jeff needs you." Newt retorted, walking over to the bed and pulling at the corner of the blanket, removing it from us.

"For what?" Gally groaned, rolling towards me and sticking his face tiredly into the pillow.

"Chuck sliced his hand and refuses to let anyone but Asa help him." Newt said, I took no time getting up after hearing the first half. Gally kept his arm around me, having to forcefully remove myself from his grasp as I got off the bed. "One of these days, it's gonna to be Minho opening the door, you two should either fess up or be more careful."

"I know." I muttered, leaving the room and running to my own. I changed from my sweater into a t-shirt, slid on my boots and left the room, rushing towards the med room.

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