Taken by the Enemy

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(Starscream's POV)

I was running to the Medbay to see Jemelle. Megatron told me what had happened yesterday to her this morning, and now that I was off duty, I was going to see her immediately! I entered the medbay and found her asleep in Breakdown's arms. "Is she alright?" I asked quietly, making both Knockout and Breakdown nod. "Yeah, she was just still tired from last night and apparently some of the other vehicons came over to her to apologize for Carl's behavior. Who, by the way, has cleaning duty added onto his regular assignments for the next 6 deca-cycles!" Breakdown explained, holding in his laughter as to not wake Jem up. "I'm surprised he didn't just kill him." Knockout said as I stepped closer. "Jem has been helping him with his anger and how to deal with disobedient troops." I said, surprising the medic.

I looked over at Jem and saw her necklace, I froze on the spot. "Did Megatron give her ..." I trailed off, but they got my question and nodded. "Yes, he had me remove a piece a few days ago to give to her. It will not only give them a deeper connection, but then it will protect her when she is in danger as well." Knockout said, making me calm down some, but not fully. "We're on edge as well Screamer, we don't want anyone hurting our baby sister." Breakdown said, obviously still noticing my false calm. After another 40 minutes, Jem began to wake up, shifting in Breakdown's arm before opening her eyes, revealing that her pupils were now blue. "You recharge well?" I asked, making her nod before nuzzling back into Breakdown's arms, making us chuckle.

"Come one, sis. You're not gonna be able to recharge tonight if you continue now." Knockout said as he lifted her up and placed her in the crook of his arm, a smirk on his faceplate. I smirked as well, I knew what he was about to do. Raising his other servo, Knockout began to give Jemelle probably the worst tickling experience she'd ever experienced in her life! Making her squeal, laugh, and giggle as she squirmed. "I'm up I'm Up!" she squealed, making Knockout stop and put her down on the counter, still giggling as the rest of us laughed.

Suddenly, the entire ship shook, making all of us alert, my wings standing straight up. {Knockout, hide Jemelle! It's the Autobots! Starscream, Breakdown! To my position!} Lord Megatron shouted through the comms making us do so.

(Jem's POV)

Knockout picked me up and ran me to my quarters and hid me under my bed. "Stay here, don't come out until one of us comes to get you!" he told me urgently before we heard another explosion, making me cover my ears as I whimpered. "I don't leave me!" I begged, making him try and comfort me. "I'll be back once the attack is over, I promise," he told me, making me nod and hide where he told me to.

My brother left and I stayed put and quiet under my bed, squeezing the spark shard as I continued to hear blaster fire when there was suddenly a noise from above. The Air Ducts! I didn't move when I heard the vent open and someone land not too far away from my bed. "Arcee to Optimus, I've found the human's quarters, let me do a quick search to see if she's here.", it was the Autobot femme! She searched my room, but right as she was about to leave, a loud noise from outside made me whimper before I could stop myself. I'm so screwed.

She looked under my bed and immediately saw me, but before I could even protest, she grabbed me, jumped into the vent and crawled with me in her servo. "Let Me Go, I Don't Want To Leave!" I protested, but she didn't listen. "Arcee to Optimus, I have her, let's go!" she said into her comlink as she got out of the vent and ran to her fellow Autobots. I was able to see Megatron and my brothers and with all my might in my lungs, I screamed. A scream that echoed throughout the entire ship, immediately catching the attention of everyone. "Quiet Kid, We're rescuing you." Arcee scolded as their ground bridge appeared and she went through, but before she did I could hear all of my new found family yell my name, then I blacked out.

I woke up and all of the Autobots had surrounded me, making me instantly sit up and scoot backwards. "Stay away!" I yelled, surprising them as their leader, Optimus, came forward. "Ms. Jemelle, You're safe now, there is no need to be frightened." he said, but I only glared at him. "I was safe there as well." I hissed, taking them completely by surprise, I myself was surprised, I've never talked like this before.

I stood up and walked up to him, "Please take me back." I asked, politely as I could, but I was mad. Optimus shook his helm though, "I'm afraid I can't do that, Jemelle. As a human, you are not safe with the decepticons." he said, him saying that, I saw red for a moment, but calmed myself, but when my vision came back, I was surprised to see that all of them had backed up.

Just then I heard another girl's voice, "Is she awake, boss bot?", making me look up to see a teenage girl with pink tips in her hair, one of the Autobots human allies, Miko. "Yes I am awake, and just an FYI, Optimus. I'm an adult, I can make my own decisions." I said as I crossed my arms. "Your pupils ... they went red ... now they're blue." the Autobot medic Ratchet said when the monitor started blinking, signaling an incoming transmission. Optimus answered and was met by my very angry brothers and a very angry Megatron. "Where is she, Prime!?" Megatron demanded, making me get a running start and jump jump, but as I was about to land on the console, Bulkhead caught me. "No you don't." he said, "Let me see them!" I demanded but I was placed in the human recreational area, making me sit on one of the couches, away from the children. "You're not going to see her, Megatron." Optimus stated calmly, making my brother protest and Megatron go silent before he held his servo up, silencing my brothers. "You better come to your senses before I find your base, Prime." he said before ending the transmission. "Imbeciles." I hissed under my breath, grabbing my shard and rubbing it lovingly. "Please find me guys, before I go insane." I whispered, clutching the shard and holding it close to me. 

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