Welcome Home & Fear

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(Megatrons POV) (3 Days later)

I looked in the rearview mirror at my wife with a smile. She was in the backseat with the twins as we drove home. Parking in our driveway, I got out and opened the backseat door. Jemelle smiled softly before handing me Raidens car seat carrier. She then got out with Auroras' car seat carrier, smiling brighter when she heard both sparklings coo. I unlocked the house, allowing us both inside. Setting both of the car seats on the coffee table, we took the twins out and cradled them before sitting on the couch. Both twins began to fuss after about 20 minutes, making Jem open her shirt and allow Aurora to feed before also taking Raiden and allowing him to feed as well.

After they finished feeding and were burped, Jem closed her shirt and handed Aurora to me. "The little princess need to know her sire as well." she chuckled before turning her attention to Raiden. "And the little prince needs to know his mother too." she whispered as she nuzzled Raiden. The little ones both began to fall asleep, making Jemelle start to sing.

"Hush now, mo stóirín

Close your eyes and sleep

Waltzing the waves

Diving in the deep"

I listened and noticed the twins both sleepily staring at their mother as she sang.

"Stars are shining bright

The wind is on the rise

Whispering words

Of long lost lullabies

Oh won't you come with me

Where the moon is made of gold

And in the morning sun

We'll be sailing

Oh won't you come with me

Where the ocean meets the sky

And as the clouds roll by

We'll sing the song of the sea

I had a dream last night

And heard the sweetest sound

I saw a great white light

And dancers in the round

Castles in the sand

Cradles in the trees

Don't cry, I'll see you by and by

Oh won't you come with me

Where the moon is made of gold

And in the morning sun

We'll be sailing

Oh won't you come with me

Where the ocean meets the sky

And as the clouds roll by

We'll sing the song of the sea





Oh won't you come with me

Where the moon is made of gold

And in the morning sun

We'll be sailing free

Oh won't you come with me

Where the ocean meets the sky

And as the clouds roll by

We'll sing the song of the sea"

I couldn't help but smile now. With the twins now asleep, we placed them in their carseats and the two of us began to cuddle. Suddenly the door bell rang, making both of us groan quietly before I got up and looked out the peephole, there were two base police officers that both of us knew. Opening the door, I greeted them. "Charles, Maximus ... What can I do for you?" I asked, making them smile. "Hello Mr. Megatron, Is your wife here? We heard what happened and we have Tammy in custody, but we need your wifes statement." Maximus explained, making me let them in. Turing around, I saw Jemelle had gotten infront of the twins, as if to protect them, making me put a hand on her shoulder. "Relax, honey. They are here to get your statement against Tammy." I explained, amking her nod, but I can tell she was still scared.

"Alright Mrs. Tron ... Can you explained what happened about 4 days ago?" Charles asked, making Jemsit down as she began to think. "Megatron and I went for a walk, that way I could get tome exercise. We stopped at the park and sat on one of the benches. There was a child there playing on the swing set and when they jumped off, they fell. Sensing that I wanted to go check on the kid, Megatron did for me." she started. "However, when he left my side, I immediately felt uneasy. I then heard breathing behind me, it startled me, so I stood up, and thats when I was punched. I was able to see who it was. It was Tammy." she explained before she began to start crying softly. "Raiden was dead when he was born, somehow, he was brought back to life in my arms." she explained before looking down. "I don't know why Tammy hates me so much. She slapped me at the baby shower ... Now this ... I want her put away before she hurts anyone else. Especially my children." She finished before I took her into my arms, allowing her to cry into my chest without waking up the twins. The officers took notes before Maximus placed a hand on Jem's shoulder. "There will be a trial, but with your statment, will most likely put her behind bars," Maximus explained, making Jem nod before the officers left, allowing us to go back to the couch and for me to comfort Jem.

"I don't understand. I did nothing to her." she whispered, making me hug her tighter, being mindful of stitches. Suddenly, there was another doorbell ring, but it was multiple, waking the twins up. Jemelle began to comfort them as I turned into my human size cybertronian form, bringing my sword out as I looked through the peephole ... It was Maximus and Charles again, with worried expressions. Putting my blade away, I opened the door again. "Is everything alright?" I asked them, making them shake their heads as I let them in, immediately going up to my wife, who had both twins in her arms. "Mrs. Jemelle, You are not to leave this house until Tammy has been caught. She has escaped custody and she and her husband are on the run." Charles explained.

All color drain from Jemelle's face as she began to hyperventailate. "No (Gasp) No No No No!" She almost screamed as she ran to are bedroom and shut the door. The officers left and I locked the door before running after her, only to find that she had locked the door. Thankfully, our door had voice recognition device incase something were to happen. "Override - Megatron!" I told the door, making it unlock, allowing me in. However, Jem and the twins weren't in the room, making me check the bathroom, but they weren't there either. Finally, I checked the closet, and there they were. Jem was curled around both twins with a frightened look on her face. Taking her into my arms, she gently squeezed the twins as if to protect them as she cried. "Shhhh my love. I will protect all three of you. Everything is going to be alright." I assured her as her crying began to quiet down, making her nod before she yawned. I brought her to our before getting the travel crib that June had given us and setting it up.

Once it was set up and assuring my wife that the twins would be safe next to us, she let me put the twins in the crib after she fed them one more time. With the twins sleeping soundly and all doors and windows locked, Jemelle began to fall asleep. I set the house alarm before locking the bedroom door and laying next to my love, allowing both of us to fall sleeping knowing, we were all safe.

The End

P.S. - To Be Continued

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