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(Jem's POV) (6 weeks later)

I finished cleaning the house as Megatron walked through the front door. I dumped the dirt in the dustpan into the trash before he wrapped his arms around my waist. "You are so beautiful." he whispered into my neck, making me giggle and turn to him after placing the dustpan on top of the trashcan. "And you are Handsome, beloved" I whispered as I caressed his faceplate before leaning my head onto his chest. "Movie and cuddles tonight?" I asked, making him nod as he let me go, allowing me to put all of the cleaning supplies back. Once put away, we laid on the couch, my head in his lap. "What movie do you want to watch?" he asked, making me think. "Can we watch Mary Poppins?" I asked, making him chuckle and click the film on the screen.

(Megatron's POV)

The music began playing and I chuckled as Jem sat up and watched the movie. When it came to the room cleaning scene, she became very excited and began to sing along.

"Well, it depends on your point of view. You see,

In every job that must be done,

There is an element of fun.

You find the fun, and snap!"

She snapped her fingers

"The job's a game."

"And every task you undertake

Becomes a piece of cake

A lark, a spree it's very clear to see"

I had to resist the urge to laugh, my wife was practically bouncing in her seat as she sang.

"That a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down

The medicine go down

Medicine go down

Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down

In a most delightful way"

She stopped singing and watched the movie eagerly. I was also soon drawn into the movie, it was very interesting. As the movie ended, Jem stood up and stretched her back. "I see why you love this movie so much. The music as well." I told her as she sat back down and placed her head on my chestplate. "Yeah, it's always been one of my favorite Disney movies." she whispered before she slowly fell asleep, making me smile as I began to pet her hair. After a few hours, I picked her up and carried her to our bedroom, placing her under the covers before joining her, falling into recharge shortly afterwards. I woke up in the middle of the night to Jemelle suddenly jumping out of bed and running to the bathroom. I then heard her become sick. I ran after her and found her kneeling in front of the toilet, holding her stomach with one hand while the other was holding the bowl. I held her hair up as she panted and continued to become sick. Finally, she was done, making me release her hair to grab a damp washcloth and wipe her mouth. "I don't know what happened." she whispered, making me kiss her forehead. "Did you eat something bad, perhaps?" I asked, making her shake her head. "No, I fell asleep without eating." she explained, one hand still on her stomach before she looked at me. "Let's go back to bed and see how I feel in the morning." she said and began to stand, only for her to sway and nearly fall had I not stood up and caught her in time. Now I was really worried. I put her back to bed and laid next to her. I was worried about leaving her alone in the morning, while I did have to go to work, I also had to take care of my wife. After a little bit, I fell asleep as well, everything should be fine, right?

(Jem's POV)

After Megatron left for work, and assuring him that I was fine, I ran to the store. I didn't tell him, but I had also gotten sick a few days ago while he was at work. So now I was on my way to the store to get something special ... pregnancy tests. I arrived at the store and greeted the cashier as I usually did before heading to the feminine care section. I grabbed a few tests and paid for them before heading home.

At home, I immediately took the tests and began to wait. While it wouldn't be an extreme shock if I am pregnant, it would still be a pleasant surprise. With shaking hands, I turned over the three tests ... all were positive. I immediately called June and she told me to come to the hospital. Arriving at the hospital, I was greeted by a very excited June. Getting me into a room, she had an ultrasound done on me. "You're about a month and a half along." she told me, making happy tears come to my eyes, I was going to be a mother. June wrote me a prescription for the right medicines and vitamins, allowing me to go get them before getting home.

Megatron arrived later that afternoon and we cuddled on the couch until it was time for dinner. I secretly began recording, I wanted to get his reaction on camera. "Honey, can you get me what's in the oven please?" I asked, making him do so. He opened the oven and seemed very confused. "Why is there bread in the oven?" he asked as he pulled out a hamburger bun, making me giggle. "What type of bread is it?" I asked, making him look at it. "It's a bun." he stated, still confused. "And where did you find it?" I asked, confusing him even more. "In the oven." he said before looking between me and the bread. "Darling, why is there a bun in the oven?" he asked before realization came to his face and I began to smile while giggling still. "A-are ... Are you pregnant?" he asked in a shocked tone, making me nod before he came and picked me up, spinning me around happily. "I'm gonna be a sire!" he exclaimed happily, making me laugh before kissing him. After Megatron calmed down, he let me finished dinner, allowing me to grab the small camera, and we ate before going to our room, cuddling on the bed before we both fell asleep, very excited for what our future has to hold for us.

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