The True Fallen Prime

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(Jem's POV)

We all stare at the mech in front of us. I personally thought and hoped this mech was offline, but it seems I was wrong. Sentinel Prime. He stood within speaking distance of us, but we were all glaring at him, especially Megatron, Optimus, and Myself. 'Primus? Solus? If you can hear me, please tell me. Why is he here?' I thought, but Optimus actually asked the question. "Why are you here, Sentinel?" he asked. 'He's here to fight you and try to enslave humanity. Stop him, my pupil! We will be right beside you' Solus answered, making my eyes widen and fly over to Optimus, whispering it to him before flying back over to Megatron to tell him.

Upon seeing me, Sentinel began to laugh, and it was chilling. "It would seem my sister's pupil already knows why I'm here." he laughed darkly, making me shiver before turning to him. "I will fight you, Sentinel. I will not allow you to enslave humanity!" I exclaimed as the others gasped. I grabbed my dress and turned it into a fighting suit with combat boots and grew myself to the height I would be if I were a cybertronian.

 I grabbed my dress and turned it into a fighting suit with combat boots and grew myself to the height I would be if I were a cybertronian

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We began to circle each other until Sentinel charged at me with his blade, but I deflected his attacks with my staff. It wasn't just me fighting though, I could feel the energy of Solus Prime inside of my chest. He aimed for my wings, making me retract them into my back and backflip over his blade. I briefly caught a glimpse of the others, Optimus and Bulkhead were holding Megatron back while my brothers struggled to hold themselves back. Quickly turning my focus back to the fight, I ducked just in time to miss him clocking me in the face, making him go off balance a little bit. That's when I remembered something, Sentinel is a much older mech now, meaning he was slowing down, and I can use that against him.

I smirked and began to toy with him, I had to get him frustrated first. He went to slice me again, but I jumped out of the way, others probably think I'm crazy. "To Slow!" I shouted, hoping they would get my plan, and it seems they did, cause they soon started laughing whenever Sentinel missed me. "Stay still you little freak!" the elder prime exclaimed as he slightly stamped his pede, making me flutter my eyes. "Is poor wittle Sentinel upset that he might be beaten?" I asked mockingly, and that did it, he released an enraged roar and charged at me. Not until the last second though, did I bring out my wings and shoot upward, allowing Sentinel to go faceplate first into the mountain wall as I landed behind him and put my wings away again.

I suddenly felt something was up, making me shift my staff into a sword, and it turns out, I was right to be worried. Sentinel put his servos on the wall and pushed himself out of it, turning around with a look of hatred on his faceplates. I readied myself as he brought his blade back out and began to charge at me. I charged at him as well, our blades clashing. We pushed our blades against each other, Sentinel beginning to over power me as the dark voice suddenly returned.

'You're gonna lose! You might as well give up!' It said, I struggled more as my arms began to shake, 'You're no prime and humanities enslavement will be your fault!'I was almost on the ground, I can feel the others struggling to hold themselves back. I then remembered this morning with Megatron, how he made me feel, the necklace he gave me 6 months ago. I remembered everything that Solus Prime and Primus had told and taught me. "You're nothing! Not worthy of being a Prime, give up!" Sentinel hissed, but I gathered my strength and began to push against the Sentinel's sword as I felt flames come from my eyes. "I am worthy and I will not give up!" I screamed, pushing his blade away and before he could react, I stabbed him through the spark. Making everyone gasp behind us.

Sentinel fell to his knees as his optic began to flicker. "This is for everything you have done to Cybertron, it's Colonies, and it's People!" I growled before ripping my sword from his chest, leaving him to go offline within the next 5 seconds, his colors fading.

The others approached as I changed the sword back into my staff, Megatron and my brothers running up to me. I wrapped my arms around Megatron's neck cabling as he held me close to him. "He's gone." I whispered, feeling Megatron smile against my neck. "I'm just glad you're alright." he whispered back to me as I nuzzled under his chin before turning back to Sentinels' corpse.

I approached and placed a servo on the dead chassis, turning the body into liquid metal before forming a cube. I held the cube and almost collapsed, it was a lot heavier than it looks. "Now, not even his spirit can bring him back to life." I said as I put it down, then looked at the two faction leaders. "Can I talk to you two?" I asked as I looked at them, making them nod and start walking with me before turning back to the others. "Don't kill each other while we talk." I called, making Breakdown laugh mockingly. "Ha ha, forgot how to laugh, sis." he said, and that caused the other Autobots to start shooting off questions on how he was my brother. Oh did they have a surprise in store.

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