You Guys are my Home

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(Jem's POV)

I didn't sleep, staying curled up on the couch, when the others tried to talk to me, I would simply just turn away, signaling I wasn't going to listen. Jack's mom June came and put some toast in front of me, but I wasn't looking. "Sweetheart, you need to eat." she told me, but I simply clutched my shard and continued to ignore until finally Agent Fowler had had enough and forcefully picked me up off the couch by my shoulders and looked directly into my eyes. "Kid, You aren't going back to them! So just give UP!" he shouted as he shook me. "William, let her go!" June exclaimed, but I got loose and ran, hiding under one of the medical berths.

All of the years of abuse were flowing through my mind as I whimpered and began to cry out for my brothers and Megatron quietly, but I knew they couldn't hear me, no one could hear me. I knew my cries would go unanswered because the Autobots won't let me go. The dark voice entered my head again. 'They probably had the Autobot's take you so they could get rid of you.' it said, "No, they love me." I whispered, 'Then why aren't they here?' it said, I remained quiet as I buried my face into my knees. 'Now look at you, you're hurt, and you have no one to blame but yourself for being stupid, believing that people would ever love you!' it hollered, but I squeezed the shard and the voice went away. "I am stronger than that voice." I whispered then began to work on a plan to escape.

After two hours, Optimus came to me in his holoform and sat next to me, but I simply looked away. "I've talked to Agent Fowler and agree with June, he shouldn't have done that, considering your history." he said, making me look at him, how did he know? "I've read your file, ... I'm sorry about your mother." he said, I looked away. "Sympathy isn't gonna befriend me, Prime." I whispered, making him sigh, he was getting frustrated. "You don't understand how dangerous the Decepticons are, Jemelle." he told me, making me look at him, "When was the last time, not including the cave incident from two days ago, that decepticons attacked?" I asked and Optimus thought "... Almost three weeks ago." he said, "Around the time I arrived. Optimus ... you attacked the Nemesis unprovoked." I said, making his eyes widen. I reached for my shard and squeezed it, Optimus seeing what I was doing, looked at my necklace. "What is that?" he asked, making me think on whether or not I should tell him, but I realized, it might be my ticket out of here. If Megatron can track me down using his spark, the Autobot base is in danger. "A gift from Megatron." I whispered, holding it in my palm, Optimus' face dropping when he realized what it was, making him rush out and call a team meeting with Agent Fowler.

I stayed in my hiding spot but I listened, smirking when I heard what Optimus said. "Agent Fowler, we made a grave mistake bringing Jemelle here, she has a solidified piece of Megatron's spark with her. He can use it to track her down, even if our base is cloaked." Optimus explained, worry apparent in his voice. "So? Why not just take it from her and get rid of it." Fowler asked, making me come out of hiding. "Cause I'll put up a fight if you do try." I growled, startling the others. I jumped up to the recreational area and calmed myself down before looking at the bots, holding my shard so Agent Fowler didn't try anything. "Don't attack us and we won't attack you, once tensions have eased some, I'll talk to Megatron about ending the war, but I don't know how long that will take." I said, shocking them.

Optimus kneeled to my height and looked at me. "Do you think he'll listen?" he asked, making me nod. He stood up and sighed, "Ratchet, Make the arrangements please." Optimus instructed, making the medic do so, Agent Fowler standing there shocked. The arrangements were made and and within the hour, I was standing with the Autobots in a field before the ground bridge opened and Megatron and my brothers came running out. I ran to them as they stopped and activated their holoforms, who continued running before we collided. I was hugged tightly while my face was covered with kisses. I burst into tears of joy, real tears of joy! Through my tears, I was able to see the Autobots' shocked faceplates before they left through their ground bridge. I was now home with my family.

Deactivating their holoforms, Megatron picked me up and placed me on his shoulder. I leaned my forehead against his helm, making him lean into me slightly as we all walked through the ground bridge. We arrived back on the Nemesis and when the vehicons and eradicons saw me, they all cheered before going back to their work. I stayed with Megatron the rest of the day, slowly falling asleep on his shoulder.


I opened my eyes and I appeared to be floating amongst the stars in a flowing white dress. "Hello?" I called before I was suddenly met with three beings, none of them that I recognized. One of the beings was a femme with hammer while the other was twice as tall and a mech. "Is this her, Primus?" the femme with the hammer asked the mech. "Yes, Solus Prime. This is her." Primus said, making my eyes widen. I tried to sit up and bow before them, but only proceeded to roll, making both beings chuckle as I tried to stand.

Solus Prime put her servo under me, letting me sit in it. Bring me up to the height of her faceplate. "Ms. Solus Prime, Mr. Primus ... Why am I here?" I asked, I was very confused. "You are here to be trained to be the newest prime, Jemelle." Primus said in his booming voice as he knelt down to Solus Primes' height that way he could get a better look at me. "Me? A Prime? ... I mean no disrespect, but I don't think I'm prime material." I said before looking down. Solus then chuckled, "You are prime material for these two titles, and they are actually things that you are amazing at." she explained, making me look at her in question. "You are the Prime of Creation and the Protector of the Youth." she explained, shocking me. I love making things and I love little kids.

The scenery changed and we appeared to be in a garden of some form, but Primus was gone. "I will teach you how to use and control your powers of creation. Primus will teach you what to do to be the protector." Solus Prime explained as she let me down then sat in front of me, making me sit as well.

"As the past Prime of creation, my abilities are different from yours. However, Primus did give me instruction on what yours are like." she explained then pointed to a stick in front of me. "Pick it up and I'll guide you." she said, making me pick up the stick. "Alright, put the stick on the ground and place your hands on it." she instructed, making me do so, the stick flat against my palms. "Now, Imagine what you want to make, in this case, something with wood. Then lift your hands off the stick." she said, making me imagine a bookshelf and when I lifted my hands, the stick seemed to now move like liquid on its own before becoming a bookshelf, and a large one at that. The bookshelf disappeared and a large bar of metal appeared in front of me. "This is the same type of metal used to make armor for cybertronians, strong as it is, it is still flexible." Solus Prime said then looked at me. "Make yourself some armor, you can even include the ability to fly" she said, making me think long and hard on the design, but I knew I needed to draw it out. "Can we come back to this one?" I asked "I need to draw it out". Solus Prime chuckled and nodded, "Of course, it's getting time for you to wake up anyways." she said as she stood up. "When your drawing is ready, put it under your pillow so It will come with you." she explained, then rubbed my head. "You'll see me in two days. Primus has you tomorrow." she said, making me nod as our surroundings began to fade. "I'll see you soon, Jemelle." Solus said before she began to disappear, "I'll see you soon as well, Solus Prime." I said before closing my eyes, letting gravity take me back to Earth

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