Baby Shower

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(Jem's POV)(3 months Later)

I sat in my rocking chair as I hand stitched the stuffed wolf I was working on for Aurora, talking with my fellow femmes as Raf sat at my feet. "What do you guys think?" I asked after finishing the last stitch and tying it off, showing the wolf with Aurora embroidered on the chest to them. "Awwwww, It's so cute." Raf's mother cooed, making me smile before putting it down and reaching to the side table to grab the parts for the stuffed fox for Raiden. I began stitching the parts together, only to stop when I received a harsh kick from both of the babies. "Woah ... Easy little ones." I spoke softly, gaining the others' attention. "Everything alright, Jem?" Arcee asked, making me nod as I rubbed my belly. "They are very active today." I explained with a soft smile before ruffling Raf's hair and returning to my sewing.

After another twenty minutes, I finished the fox. "Aaaaaand ... Done!" I announced after tying off the thread and snipping it off. Lifting the fox, the others cooed at it before I set it down, placing my hands on my expanded belly, earning many kicks from my sparklings. We all then heard the front door open and close before heavy metal footsteps were heard. "Sweetspark?" my mate called, making me smile. "In the living room, dear." I called, turning as best as I could to smile at Megatron as he walked into the room in his human size cybertronian form. Leaning down, he kissed my forehead before gently hugging me then sitting down on the large ottoman next to my chair. Miko then stood up, startling me as she clapped her hands together before motioning the other femmes and Raf to follow her. "You two wait here, we'll be back in a few minutes." she told me before they left the room. They returned 10 minutes later, each of them carrying a bag or box decorated as a present, making me raise an eyebrow. What was going on?

"What's going on?" I finally asked before Arcee placed the large box she was carrying in front of me. "These are your surprise baby shower presents." she explained, making my eyes widen as I teared up. "Guys ... You didn't need to do this!" I whispered as I wiped my tears away, making Miko hug me. "We know, but we wanted to." she explained as I hugged her back. We let go of each other and Arcee motioned me to open the box. With Megatrons' help, as my belly was getting in the way, we opened the wrapping paper and I was shocked to see a stroller for twins, shocking me. How did she know that we still needed a stroller? "Thank you so much, Arcee." I thanked her before we hugged, a huge smile on my face. June then came forward with a large box as well after Arcee moved the stroller box. She helped me open it and I gasped, a twin's crib. I stared at my mother figure and she smiled before kissing my forehead. "When I was pregnant with Jack, he had a twin, but he ended up being a stillbirth." June explained sadly before looking at me. "I wanted you to have this since I never used it." she told me, making me hug her tightly. "Thank you, June." I thanked her, "I'm sorry that that happened to you.". After moving the crib, Ms. Esquivel placed a gift bag in my, barely there, lap and motioned me to open it. I thanked her and removed the tissue paper before taking out the present. I was very confused before I rotated it and I felt understanding come to my face. It was a twins' baby carrier that I could use to carry the twins on my chest. "Awww, thank you, Ms. Esquivel. It's adorable." I thanked her, smiling as I continued to examine it before putting it aside. Just as I set the carrier down, Miko put her bag on my lap. "I thought you could use these," she told me as she motioned to the bag. Removing the tissue paper, I smiled brightly at what was in the bag. Reaching in, I pulled out the first set of clothes (The pink and Blue ones). "Awwww!" all of my fellow femmes and Raf cooed as I giggled and put down the set, taking out the second. I melted at the cuteness from the second pair of clothes before putting them down with a big smile. "They're so cute. Thank you, Miko." I thanked her as we hugged. "Thank You, everyone. Your gifts are very thoughtful." I told them, making them all hug me before they left, leaving me with my husband.

"Can we go for a walk, honey?" I asked, making him think. "Alright. Only a short one though, it's suppose to rain tonight." he told me as he got up and helped me slip my flip flops on. We left the house as he helped me walk. The clouds made it a little dark, but it was still light outside. "It's so nice out, tonight." I whispered as we arrived at the park and sat down. There was a lone child, around the age of 10, at the park. I watched them to make sure they were alright as I laid my head of Megatron's chest. The child jumped off the swing and fell, making me alert when they cried out in pain. Seeing my alertness, Megatron got up. "I'll make sure he's fine." he told me before walking over to the child. The moment he walked away, I immediately felt uneasy. I looked around before I suddenly heard breathing over my shoulder, making me somehow jump up. I turned around, only to punch directly in my stomach, making me scream as I felt my water break. Whoever it was ran away, the kid following them as Megatron was instantly at my side, catching me as I collapsed. "The babies!?" I whimpered, making Megatron look down and a grave look came to his faceplate, but he didn't say anything as his other servo touched his com-link. "Megatron to base! I need medics to my position, immediately!" he yelled as it began to rain. I felt fluid around my legs, but I could barely move as I slowly began to blackout. "M-megatron?" I whimpered, making him look at me, optics full of fear and worry as my eyes closed.

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