End this War

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(Jem's POV)

I let out a small giggle and looked at my brothers with sympathy as they answered the many questions they were being asked before turning my attention back to the two leaders. The two were looking between each other and me, making me sigh, this had to stop.

"I know the human leaders aren't here right now but I wanted this to get started before we bring the human government in." I said, making them look at me questionably. "Megatron" I look at him, "Optimus" I switch my gaze, "Hasn't this war gone on long enough?" I asked, shocking the both of them. "I'm not asking one of you to surrender. I'm asking you both to come to a peaceful agreement and work together for supplies instead of fighting for it." I explained before briefly looking away. 'Primus, How damaged is Cybertron ... Can it even be saved at this point?' I asked him, 'No my Gem, Cybertron is lost. The Omega lock would have restored Cybertron, but Sentinel destroyed it.' he said, then disappeared from my mind again. My frown must have caught their attention, "Sweetspark, what's wrong?" Megatron asked, and I gulped, but I told them. "I asked Primus if Cybertron was repairable ... the only way that would have repaired it was destroyed by Sentinel."I whispered as tears formed in my eyes, "I'm so sorry.". Megatron hugged me tight, which made me relax, "My home is with you." he whispered to me, making me nuzzle him again. He let me go and he turned to Optimus, "We work together and live amongst the humans?" he suggested. My fellow prime stood there shocked before smiling and held out his servo, Megatron shaking it before they hugged. The others in the distance all went silent at the sight as they let each other go, "It's good to have you back, brother." Optimus said, making Megatron chuckle, "Likewise, little brother." he said before he turned back to me as I shrank back to my original size. I then flew up to his shoulder and sat before putting my wings away and turned my suit back into my dress.

"Let's inform them!" I encouraged them, making them walk over with smiles on their faceplates. "Autobots!" "Decepticons!" they got their attention, "The war is over ... We've decided that we need to work together instead of against each other." Optimus said before looking at Megatron. "However, there is some bad news." he started then looked at me. I sighed and looked at the others. "You can't go back to Cybertron. I have spoken with Primus. Cybertron is beyond repair and the one thing that could have repaired it, the omega lock, was destroyed by Sentinel Prime." I explained and it was silent.

It was silent for a few moments until the little scout Bumblebee raised his servo. "Yes Bumblebee." Optimus asked, everyone turning their attention to the scout. {(C-can I stay with Raf, Optimus?)} he asked in his binary beeps, making Optimus smile. "I don't see a problem with it." he said, making the scout jump in the air with joy, making everyone laugh before Optimus put hit digit to his comlink. "Raf, Bridge us back to base, and tell the others, we will be having some guests." Optimus said, a groundbridge appearing within a few seconds, making him motion to everyone to go through.

The others went through, leaving Optimus, Megatron, and myself to go last. We went through and were surprised to see the human children being friendly with the decepticons. Extended my wings after giving Megatron a kiss on the cheek before flying over to the recreational area and landed between Miko and Raf. "Jemelle! You're Back!" Miko exclaimed before she looked at my wings and hair, "Woah!". I chuckled at her reaction before looking around, "Is Agent Fowler here?" I asked, "We need to talk to him.". "He should be here soon." Raf said as he looked up at me and actually took a backwards leap when he saw me. "You have wings?!" he asked, making me nod as I ruffled his hair and put my wings away.

A sensor suddenly started going off, showing that Agent Fowler was here. I made a signal to quiet everyone down and before I could turn around, the elevator opened and I heard footsteps before they stopped. "Prime! Why are the Cons here?!" Agent Fowler exclaimed, making the leaders walk over, myself turning around. I think he was surprised to see me because he just stared.

"We've decided to end the war, Agent Fowler." Optimus said calmly, snapping the Agent out of his trance at me. "End the war? You really mean it?" he asked, making all three of us nod before I got his attention. "Agent Fowler, I do have a request though. As Cybertron can not be brought back to life ... can they stay here on Earth?" I asked, making the Agent smile. "I don't see a problem with it, but that's not up to me to decide," he said, then looked at the three of us. "Wait here, Let me bring back the general." Fowler said, making us nod, but before he walked away, I got his attention. "Agent Fowler?" I called quietly, but he heard me and turned around, "Yes?". "If the General says yes ... I volunteer to be an ambassador as a techno-organic." I told him quietly, making him nod then leave. I walked back to Megatron and climbed into the servo he offered me, being placed on his shoulder. "You don't have to be an ambassador, love. You're already a Prime and don't know what the future holds." Megatron told me, making me nod. "I know, but I want to help in any way I can." I whispered, leaning into his neck cabling. I was so tired, but I had to stay awake until tonight.

Fowler was back with the general within 2 hours, and Fowler was smiling. "Fowler has told me that you ended your war and that your planet is ... completely dead. We talked with the president, you're allowed to stay, as the core of our planet is a Cybertronian." the General explained, making the others start cheering. The General then turned to me, "Ms., you have been appointed the ambassador between humans and cybertronians ... What is your full name anyways?" he asked. I smiled, "My human name is Jemelle Bellamo, but I also have a new name as a prime." I began, everyone going silent. "Gemstone Prime" I said, and the Agent and General looked at me. "You're a Prime as well? The Prime of what?" Agent Fowler asked, obviously amazed that I was a Prime. "I am brand new to the title, but I am the Prime of Creation and Protector of the Youth." I explained.

Fowler then threw his hands up and my old instincts took over. I shielded myself, squeezing my eyes shut as if I were going to be hit, but it went dead silent. "Jemelle ... you alright? You also have wings?!" Fowler asked, and I opened my eyes, I was indeed being protected by my wings. I stood up, but my heart rate was still running high as I folded my wings in and looked away ashamed at my behavior. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to react like that." I whispered softly, but Fowler put his hand on my shoulder. "Don't be sorry, kid. I remember your file. You have every right to react the way you just did." he assured me, making me nod.

The others were still looking at me, but I didn't care, I was listening to the General. "You're gonna need to land your warship near the base." he started then sighed, "The public will be made aware of your presence here on Earth, but will be told not to bother you, whether they chose to listen or not is a different story." he continued. As he spoke I got to thinking, what if we could shrink the cybertronians to the sizes of humans, still be cybertronians, but basically just the size of minicons. This way, they won't intimidate the humans as much.

After the General and Fowler left, the former Decepticons and I left for the Nemesis, bringing it outside of Autobot base under the cover of darkness. Once back in our quarters, I placed my staff next to my nightstand and changed into a night dress. My head hit the pillow and I was out, Megatron joining me shortly after.

(3rd Person POV) (4 hours later)

[buzzzzzzzzz] [buzzzzzzzzz] "(groans, turns on the nightstand light and picks up the phone) H-hello?" Jem asks sleepily as Megatron slowly wakes up as well. {Is this Jemelle Bellamo?} It was the female police officer from 6 months ago. "Yes, this is she." Jem said, now alert, why was the officer calling her. {Ms. Bellamo, I need to inform you that you should leave England. Your father has escaped prison.} the officer explained, making Jem go silent as her eyes widened. "Y-yes, I'll get started right away." she said, making the officer grunt. {Good ... Are you going to be alright? Is there anyone you can go to?} the officer asked, making Jem give a sound of confirmation. "Yes, my boyfriend and his family." she explained, making the officer sigh in relief. {Good, get to him immediately. ... Good Luck Ms. Bellamo} the officer said before they both hung up.

Jem was now still as a rock with wide eyes as she stared at her phone. Megatron was now fully awake when he noticed that Jem wasn't laying back down. "Darling? What's wrong?" he asked, making Jem look at him and she looked terrified. "My father ... He's escaped prison."

To be continued

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