Bring Her Back

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(3rd person POV) (1 month later)

Optimus watched from the hallway as Megatron sat next to Jem's bed still in his human form, holding her hand as he talked to her. However, his voice was constantly breaking as he continued to cry. They were losing Megatron.

Suddenly, an idea came to the prime's mind, they had stripped all of the technology from the Nemesis ... Could they possibly modify the cortical psychic patch to work on Jemelle and bring her back? Thinking of this, he went to go find the medics and Shockwave.

(Small Time Skip)

"Are you insane, Optimus! We've never even done that on an organic!" Ratchet exclaimed, making Optimus sigh. "I know it does sound crazy, Ratchet. However, Jemelle is trapped in her body and Megatron is starting to waste away. I don't even know when the last time he refueled was." Optimus explained, making the medic go silent and look at Knockout and Shockwave before they nodded at each other. "We'll see what we can do, but don't tell him and get his hopes up." Ratchet said, making Optimus nod and walk towards the human rec area where Agent Fowler and the General waited.

"How is she Prime?" Fowler asked, making the Prime frown. "Her body has 100% healed but it's as if her mind is trapped." he explained, making them look down. "And Megatron?", "I am worried for my brother. He has started to stop taking care of himself." Optimus said in a slight worried tone as he looked down the hallway. They continued to talk for an hour before the two left and the children arrived. Optimus smiled at them then went back to watching over his brother, who had fallen into recharge, still holding Jem's hand.

Within the next 2 days, Ratchet came to him. "We've got it ... we can do the cortical psychic patch." he said quietly as to not wake Megatron, who had fallen into recharge next to Jem again. This made Optimus very happy and rushed in to wake his brother after switching into his human form.

"Megatron." He called as he shook the ex-warlord who snorted and sat up. "Huh huh wuh?" He was so confused. "Walk with me brother, I have good news." Optimus said as he helped Megatron to his feet.

They began to walk to the storage locker where they were keeping Megatron's and Jem's things as while the Nemesis wasn't melted yet, it no longer had power. "We are going to perform the cortical psychic patch between you and Jemelle. That way, you can bring her mind back to the surface, out of hiding." Optimus explained, making Megatron freeze in the middle of the hall. "Is that even ..." Optimus cut him off by nodding. "Come, wash yourself and get your surprise for her, for when she wakes up." Optimus said, then stopping by the locker for Megatron to get fresh clothes and his surprise before heading to the bathroom.

Once ready, they headed to the medbay, finding the medics and Shockwave all set up. They had Megatron lay on a different bed before putting a helmet of some sort on his head. "Now, As she is part organic, this will be a little different. Her memories can't touch you, but she can." Shockwave explained making him nod and watch as they put the same type of helmet on Jem. He reached over and grabbed her hand, "I'm coming, my queen." he whispered before closing his eyes, laying his head back before his consciousness left his body.

(Megatron's POV)

I opened my eyes with a small gasp, everything was shimmering violet, silver, and red in what appeared to be a hallway. Slowly, I began to walk before I heard a newborn baby's cry. I turned and what I think is a memory appeared. A young woman holding a baby and a younger version of Jem's father next to the hospital bed, smiling. This shocked me as it faded and I continued on.

A young child's giggle then made me turn again. A toddler struggled to walk to the young woman before collapsing into her arms. "I'm so proud of you, Jemelle," the young woman said as she kissed the toddler's cheek. I walked away as it faded when suddenly a gunshot rang through the air, making me freeze. [Megatron, what is it?] Ratchet asked over the comm, [I know which memory this is. The day her mother was killed.] I told him, as I watched little Jemelle come across her dead mothers body, trying to shake her awake.

I sighed as the memory faded and I continued before a smack and small yelp was heard, the beginning of the abuse by her father. I sped up my walk slightly when our memories started to come up. I had to stop myself from crying and continue until I reached the door.

I turned the knob and opened it, being blinded by a bright light. My eyes adjusted and I went inside. I was surprised to see an actual pool filled with energon with Jem floating on the surface. I got closer to her on the edge and called to her. "Jemelle?!" She opened her eyes and stood up to look at me. "Megatron! What are you doing here?" She asked, "I've come to take you home, Jemelle." I told her, but she looked away.

"Just take me off life support, that way I don't have to be a burden to anyone anymore." she told me. I was shocked, and picked her up out of the pool and sat her next to me. "What the! Megatron!" she exclaimed before I hugged her tightly, tears coming to my eyes. "You are NOT a burden!" I yelled into her shoulder, and she froze. I took hold of her face. "Everyone wants to have you back home, Jem." I caressed her face, "I want you home." I whispered as she leaned into my hand.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and nuzzled herself under my chin. I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her in my lap. "Come home." I told her, making her nod. And stand up, bring me with her.

"I heard you. I heard You all this time." she told me before she kissed me, making me close my eyes and kiss her back. We pulled away and she brought us to a different room, there was a pod. "Have them disconnect you, I'll see you soon." she told me, kissing my cheek before she laid down in the pod. "Ratchet, disconnect me!" I told him before everything went black.

I opened my eyes and got up, the helmet already off my head. "That's right, breath." I heard Ratchet say, making me look over to see him and Knockout monitoring Jem ... She was awake! I scrambled to get off the bed, only to end up landing on my face. I heard Jem giggle, making me look up to see her looking at me. I smiled and sat up before I sat next to her and we heard many pairs of footsteps. The others all came in and were shocked to see Jem awake. Breakdown and Starscream were the first to run to her. "Sis! You're alright!" they exclaimed as they began to kiss her face. All the others came and hugged her, her taking a little extra time with Rafael.

Once they all were done I was able to get her attention, Optimus and her brothers knowing what I was about to do.

"Sweetheart, I know that we've been dating for less than a year but ... I know we were talking and seeing our futures with each other." I started, some of the others getting where I was going. "After this attack, I knew I did want to wait anymore and that the moment you woke up, I would ask." I reach into my pocket and pull out the box, Jemelle covering her mouth as tears fill her eyes.

"Jemelle Bellamo

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"Jemelle Bellamo ... Will you marry me?" I asked and her tears fell as she began to nod. "Yes! A million times yes!" she exclaimed after she removed her hands from her mouth, allowing me to gently grasp her hand and slip the ring on before we hugged and kissed each other deeply, the others cheering for us. We broke apart and I held her against my chest, Ratchet and Knockout ushering the others out. "Let's give them some time together." Knockout said as he and Ratchet also left the room, giving us some alone time where we cuddled and I started to help her walk again, her muscles a little weak, but I didn't let her give up. 

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