You're Perfect

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(Jem's POV) (6 months later)

I woke up to a gentle arm around my waist as faint breathing was heard. I looked behind me to see a human sized Megatron lying in bed with me. I turned over and snuggled into his chest, making him unconsciously pull me closer.

Our relationship had gotten much stronger over the past 6 months after I got back from the autobots. I was also glad that I didn't need to fully tell him that I was going to be a prime. Turns out, the day after my first lesson with Solus Prime, when I was showing him my new clothes, he'd spotted something on my shoulder, a tattoo of the symbol of the primes. I was surprised he wasn't mad when I explained it to him, I thought he hated Primes. However, it seems he proved me wrong.

I had also continued my lessons with both Solus Prime and Primus. Both of them saying I should be ready here in the next month or two.

Within the next 10 minutes, he woke up. Stretching slightly before laying back down next to me. "Good Morning" I whispered, the sun shining through the window. "Good Morning, Love." he whispered back as he lifted my chin with his knuckles and kissed me lovingly. We pulled away and got out of bed, me showering while Megatron waited. However, I felt I was being watched.

I looked behind me as I stood under the waterfall of water, and nearly screamed, but merely yelped in surprise when I saw that Megatron had entered my bathroom and was watching me. Making me cover myself with my hands and look away embarrassed as a huge blush appeared on my face.

Megatron came over after taking off his armor and stood under the water with me, his faceplate buried in my neck. "You're so perfect." he whispered to me as he began to kiss and lick my neck, making me hold back moans. One servo then reached around and began to play with and massage one of my breasts, making me moan softly. "You hate your body most of the time, but I love it, let me show you." he whispered to me, making me nod. "M-Mega-" I gasped/moaned as my body began to arch, but stopped when he began to praise me. "So perfect, soft plush skin that makes me feel relaxed when I touch it." he praised before one servo went to my arm while the other went to my leg. "Strong limbs that are able to carry those when they are down, may it be physical or not.". He covered my eyes and put a servo over my heart, "Gorgeous eyes that see the truth and potential in people and a heart that beats so strong and wild, it's like music for those you care about.". He placed his servos over my belly, I blushed deeply, the part I was most insecure about. "And a body that can give me beautiful sparklings to love when you are ready." he finished, shocking me with that last part. I teared up and grabbed his servo, holding it in my own as I processed everything he had just told me. Megatron ... He really loved me for me? Including my body. I looked up at him and he gently kissed me before he to reach his other servo down to my womanhood, but he stopped and looked at me, making me nod, making him insert a digit, causing me to start moaning again, throwing my head back as he began to finger me, hitting me right in my g-spot. He began to play with neck again, my charge quickly building. "Mega - Mega ..." I panted out, making him let out a noise of acknowledgment. "I-I ... I'M!" Before I could finish my sentence, he curled his digit, and bit my neck at the same time, causing me to moan/scream as I hit my orgasm.

I panted as Megatron turned off the water and brought me over to the shower bench. He began to dry me off until I stopped him and wrapped my arms around his neck, just standing as he wrapped his arms around me. We looked at each other and began kissing. He lifted me up with ease and I wrapped my arms around his neck cabling before we parted, letting me breath. "Take me to the berth, I think we've waited long enough." I whispered, making him smile before we began kissing again, him walking out of the bathroom, bringing us to our bed before laying me down. This was going to be great!

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