Am I Worthy

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(Jem's POV)

I sat on the flight deck in a secured spot so I didn't get blown away. History was always a subject that made me mad because of all the bad things that have happened. "I sat against a crate and sighed before I heard talking, it was some vehicons. I was about to say hello when I realized that they were talking about me. Making me stay quiet and listen. "A stupid human has taken a job from us! Great!" the vehicon named Carl yelled as he threw his arms up. "Come on now Carl, she's not stupid, in fact, I actually like Jemelle, she's a great listener." The one named Steve tried to reason, but Carl wouldn't listen. "No! She has taken a job, is turning our leader and commanding officers into big softies, she's human, and primus damnit, is she ugly!" Carl shouted in rage, making me freeze in shock. "Watch it Carl! You know how much our lord and commanders adore her. As well! Jemelle is a beautiful sweet woman and maybe her effect on our leaders will help end this war." Steve tried to reason, but Carl wouldn't budge and then he said something that shocked me. "I bet he's just gonna keep her around to find energon now, primus damn energon hound." Carl snarled before stomping back into the Nemesis, Steve following him, still trying to get him to see reason. I stood there in shock before slipping down to my knees, my heart about ready to snap.

I waited till they were fully gone then ran to my quarters and cried my eyes out, my sobs filling the room. I cried for what felt like hours, not noticing that I had left the door a smidge open and someone was watching me. I looked at myself in the mirror and began to see my flaws again, that dark voice coming. 'You have too many scars, no one is going to want that.' it started making me rub my arm in nervousness, before it came again. 'You're too big, not even a giant alien robot will love you once he sees you naked.' it said, making me grab my head, "Shut up, please shut up!" I whispered before looking at myself in the mirror, my pupils turning blue. 'Who's gonna want a broken freak like you?!' the voice yelled, and I finally screamed, "Shut UP!", and that's when my door flew open and a pair of strong arms were wrapped around me then carried me to my bed as I began to sob again.

Through my tears, I was able to tell that it was Megatron in his holoform. I gripped his shirt as I continued to sob, all the while as he held me close to him. "Let it out Jemelle, just let it out." he whispered to me as I continued to grip his shirt and sob, afraid he would disappear if I let go.

When I had calmed down enough, I suddenly felt a kiss on my forehead, making me freeze. I looked up at Megatron to find him smiling before he then kissed my cheek, making me throw my arms around him.

"What has you so upset, sweet spark?" he asked me quietly, making me hesitate, but I knew he wasn't gonna let me go until I told him. "I was out on the flight deck in my usual spot, and two vehicons came out, but they didn't notice me." I started, making him nod. "It was Steve and Carl ... Carl apparently doesn't like me because I'm human, I've taken a job from the miners, I'm turning you and my brothers into softies, that you might only keep me around to be the energon scout, and that I'm ..." I froze, I didn't want to finish that sentence, but Megatron looked at me with concerned eyes. "That I'm an energon hound and ugly." I finished, my tears coming back as I tried to hold them back, but Carl had broken my newly founded self confidence. Meagtron rubbed my back and kissed my cheek again. "Don't listen to him, he will be severely punished, and just so you know,You're actually the most beautiful femme I've ever seen." he told me, making me nod as I sat in his lap again, not really believing the last part he told me.

"You don't seem convinced, Jemelle." he said as he leaned against the wall, allowing me to lay on his chest. "It's hard after you've been called fat and ugly by almost everyone you know for most of your life." I explained sadly before, Megatron used his hand to make me look at him then caress the side of my face. "Let me make you believe me then?" he asked gently, making me nod before I slowly closed my eyes.

I felt warm lips touch mine, and my body melted. Wrapping my arms around Meagtron's neck, he turned us over to where he wasn't directly on top of me, but not besides me either. The kiss was sweet, gentle, and loving, and it felt so good to be cared for in this way. We pulled away, allowing me to breath, before we hugged each other. "Even in the short amount of time that I've actually known you, I have fallen in love with you." he started "Mind, body, and soul. Jemelle, you are beautiful inside and out, no matter what anyone tells you, never forget that." he told me as he took my hand and helped me sit up. "You stand with me even when the world views me as flawed, Megatron. While I may not understand why you love my body, or even me, You make me feel happy and boost my confidence. For that, I thank you, Megatron." I said as we brought our hands together, something in his that he was putting in mine.

"This is for you." he whispered as he kissed my forehead again, making me clasp my hand around the object before opening my hand again. It was a glowing blue and purple shard that was securely tied as a charm on a necklace. 

"It is a solidified piece of my spark, it will help protect you, and when you're in danger it will sense it, I'll be able to find you

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"It is a solidified piece of my spark, it will help protect you, and when you're in danger it will sense it, I'll be able to find you." he explained before he helped me put it on. "It's beautiful, Megatron, thank you." I said before I hugged him again. "Now get some rest, I'll deal with Carl." he said right as I yawned and rubbed my eye. He kissed me one more time before leaving. "Goodnight, Jemelle. I love you." he said as he got to the door, "Good Night Megatron, I love you too." I said, then he was gone, allowing me to change into my night shorts and tank top then get into bed, falling asleep with the shard in my hand.

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