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MAY 18TH, 2022


8:21 AM

Staring at Solange as she sped around the room, breath came out of my nostrils. Breathing is such a foreign feeling and action, it feels more like a release these last 28 years, she does everything but nothing at the same time, it confuses me and intrigues my mind.

Solange was inviting her to a "block party" that was being hosted tonight. My foot outstretched on the couch, I closed my eyes and tapped into Onika's environment. Yesterday was the day that Solange met my soulmate for the first time, I have yet to hear her thoughts.

Once my eyes were opened, the smallest crinkle of a smile started to form on my face. There, in her room, laid my sweetest Onika, in her bed. Her son's circle hair tangled all over her as their breathing synchronized, entailing all that I needed to know for this check in. She was sleeping with her son, her days are spared so she can work in the night, you are already so much like me, my love.

Solange was not sitting in front of me, staring with a whisk of curiosity that briefly coasted her eyesight, in a minute, my eyebrow was raised, intrigued. I spoke out to her.

"Solange, I told you about trying to tap into my visions, you're way too young to even see what I can see."

She rolled her eyes at me, a very childish gesture, but it suits her for her young age, 25 was a mere 900 years in our time. I upped her by thousands.  She couldn't hold a candle to my 15,408 years. I blamed mother and father for having her so far apart from me.

   "Shut up, Beyoncé. What're you envisioning anyways? Checking up on your soulmate?"

Nodding, I got down from the couch, and sat on the floor with her. Making my eyes kin to her glowing red ones, I tilted my head.

"Thoughts on her?" She nodded, remembering their interaction from a mere 11 hours ago.

"She's a sweet soul, beautiful woman, I didn't think she was your type at first, but i se snow, she definitely has something mysterious in her, so much unlocked potential."

Humming, I agreed with her.

      "Exactly, this is why you were allowed to meet her until you turned 900. There is a specific time period for everyone, I've lived without my loved for thousands of years before I see her over 400 years ago, slavery is such a difficult time to establish your love for someone."

Her eyes widened, as I expected them to. It was an unspoken rule to never tell another how you've met your soulmate until they become of age, Solange and I would be doing some talking this afternoon.

"You met Onika during slavery?"

Hm, I never think about it too much, but I give her a nod of confirmation. It was then I realized that I need to address the minor slip up of her calling Onika's name last night. She was too obvious. During the exchange, I was beside her as always. She acted a bit strange, and my love is not incompetent, she probably picked up on it- something, that is.

"You addressed  her by her name when she didn't give you one, Solange, Last night that is." I could see the guilt form on her face, with a nervous smile, she started.

"I'm sorry about that Beyoncé, I was so excited to meet her. She probably thinks I'm strange now, but at least I got her to go to the party. You'll be there too, In human form! You'll get to touch her again! Aren't you excited?!" A smile formed on my face.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐁𝐄𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐓.★Where stories live. Discover now