978 69 133





10:17 AM



    Fury was all that red inside of my eyes as I towered over the shallow excuse of a human being. Of course, I had given Onika the chance to make a choice, but mine was made, and it would be a quick one. I couldn't let something like this go- there was already too much going on currently, I didn't need this son of a bitch to add to our troubles.

  My explicit language was evident of the anger that I currently felt right now. The pure audacity for this man to come over to us, interrupting my piece- to cause such chaos over such an arbitrary problem. the sight disgusted me. I wasn't happy- in the slightest. The black brute's eyes bugged out as he struggled to breath in my hold.

  A sinister smile took over my face as I tilted my head, looking over at him. He is not immortal.

   In saying this- being immortal is when you are able to acknowledge all the problems of the human heart. Sympathizing, guilt, jealousy, agony and terror. The happiness, the hard work, the grief that goes into the passion of life. That is the equivalent to living. It is true that most of us die someday- but in spirit, you will always be immortal.

   However, this man isn't. Not in any sense of the word. He will never relearn the problems of the human heart, he will continue to do nothing as he singlehandedly watches the end of man without such as a care in the world. The compassion- the blood, sweat tears that he once could have possessed have been wiped by his struggle for human nature- that of a narcissist.

  However, I simply refuse to accept this- as I am better. Onika and her child will never be in any danger- and it is truly the people like him who bring down humankind- the ones that cease and desist- the ones the take up space- while doing nothing. The true wasters. They were never the givers- nor the takers. They were just there standing idle.

  In certain patterns, you can tell that these people have been in this state for a while- just dancing along the field of nothingness- trying to fill the void that they are so frivolously and aggressively try to fill during their rapture of nihilism. These people, however, are the nobodies- and it is my duty to dispel them.

The devil's duty, that is. And I will do anything it takes; it does not matter to me if I am overstepping my boundaries.

However, the devil knows none- so this is perfect. Sighing in content, I looked over at my love.

"Answer, now." Onika gulped and I almost halted at how gullible she could be. This man meant her so much harm, and she was still so forgiving. This would never be me. I was not a forgiver. Not in the least.

"Okay..." She squeaked slightly, looking away from me. I turned my head to look intensely at the back of her head. Indication would not be enough; I needed spoken word.

"Onika. Your permission." I would kill him anyways and my tone made that clear. She blew out a shaky breath and nodded.

"Do it, I can't let him do that." A bright smirk came to my face as I began to squeeze his neck tighter and tighter, watching him chose and struggle in my grip.

  The scene was illustrious, I loved it and it subsequently starts to make me aroused. He would be nasty and bitter, getting him out of the picture would be satisfactory enough.

  Some had no idea what's going on, but if he gets older, I hope he won't be heartbroken to find out that I killed his father. He was a bad man, it needed to be done. U started to giggle as I watched and watched him.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐁𝐄𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐓.★Where stories live. Discover now