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4:57 AM



 There are so many ways you can starve.

   But I don't think I've ever starved in a way such as this. Why do you continue to do this to me, Onika? First the gay Half-Breed, now him? My body flames up at the thought I am absolutely pissed. But best believe, I'll be damned again before I let you be with him. Of course you wouldn't know, but him and I have some history my sweet. I'm actually so enraged right now that I could burn a house on fire, but I'll resist. Maybe out of ignorance, maybe because of bliss. 

However, this time, nobody will be spared.

     I always stroll around my house, listening in, checking on you. I wonder how you are when I'm not watching over. Today however, is a bigger day for me. Cassandra is coming over. A family gathering is taking place today, and I've heard word of you arriving. If it is true, I wonder if I'll have to avoid seeing you this time. Our gathering should be a more intimate one of sorts. I have a predicament to deal with when it comes to these things anyway.

     Please accept my apologies, Onika. But as I mentioned, there are so many ways to starve. I've starved so much with you, that at my weakest moment, I've turned to somebodies bed. You and I, we've never intertwined with each other. Not that It could be the saving graced, but I've never felt the pleasure that you were able to bestow on certain people, I vividly remember the days of your prostitutions, and as I sat on my loveseat, waiting for certain people to arrive, I can't help but wonder what's the purpose behind all of this.

     Even as of today, I still yearn for your bliss, feeling you under me, in moments of, vulnerability, paroxysm of weakness, I turned to somebody. Though now that I look back at it, I can say that I truly regret it. It is something that I cannot change, but I promise you that I thought about you the whole time. As I got up from my position, stretching, and possibly going to get ready, the door swung open.

"Mommy!" I slightly smiled at her.

"Hello Blue." 

Yes, Onika. I am truly sorry. We have so much to talk about, and thought I can't fault you for your child; you didn't know, but I was fully aware of your existence. Forgive me.

    Cassandra walked through the door with her bag. "Hey Beyoncé.." I shuttered, This was my babymother. I am trying to learn the slang from these times, but It seems to have become increasingly hard. I will have to brush up later with Solange. I gave her my usual once-over.

"Hello Cassandra." She smacked her lips. I'm getting good at this!

"Babyyy! I told you to call me Cassie!" Grunting in disapproval, I told Blue to go occupy herself with the Television that sat in the front of the couch.

"Fine, "Cassie." What do you require from me?" She trailed her long nails up my blouse, running her other hand through the hem of my skirt. I always made sure to dress a little more feminine for occasions like these.

"Wellll" She dragged out. "I just came with Blue for the reunion, and get some dick while I'm here, we have the whole day baby." I shrugged her off of me. How Insulant! I cannot believe I got this woman pregnant.

"Shut up. We only take care of a child together, that's that!" She dipped her hands under my skirt, trying to massage something that wasn't there. She scrunched her face up.

"Where's your dick baby? I want you to feel my mouth on it for days." She looked back up at me, biting her lip. I scoffed rolling my eyes.

"This is why I switched, just because of this predicament. Leave me alone, I am not toting my usual genital right now. One more slip-up and I will burn you. Blue will just have to grow up without another mother." Onika and I will raise her.

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