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4:30 PM


Goddamn, this place was amazing.

When I got in, I was astounded by the comradery, and the pure elegance that the mansion had. It wasn't as dark or gloomy as I had originally pictured it, quiet the opposite actually.

The huge chandeliers littered almost every hallway, but the one at the entrance was most luminous. Everything was gorgeous, from the Persian rug that littered the staircase, to the huge pillars that held up the interior. Stained-glass murals and windows were sporadic across the mansion , painting the light shining in, another ethereal color.

It was amazing to be frank, it looked like royalty should live here. I had no idea Solange and her family was so loaded. She did say that this was her sisters house, but damn. We all looked in wonder at our surroundings, until Solange beckoned for us to go into the big kitchen area. It was just as amazing as the entry way. I nudged Robyn with wide eyes.

"Damn! This place is loaded!" I whispered to her.

"Yeah, whoever this bitch is, has some serious money." I nodded in agreement, and we all stood in the kitchen while Solange talked with a few butlers. She soon turned to us.

'Okay ya'll, you can wait out in the gardens, that's where it's gonna be anyway! Don't worry about the lack of people, it's about to start filling up, real soon. We've got a big family, so expect some crowding!" She quite literally ran off in some unknown direction.

"Um.. How are we supposed to find the gardens?"


We all flinched at the persons loud ass voice. We turned to see a man. He had on a butler's suit, I'm assuming he works here. He looked to be about 5'8. He was a black man, dark-skinned, with a bald head, and set face. I'm guessing he always looks this unhappy. He had some facial hair too. I had to admit, I thought he was handsome.

Drake spoke up. "Oh, nah! It's okay man, we can look for it oursel-"

"YOU DON'T HAVE THE ANSWERS!" He basically yelled at us, seemingly angry.

Oh.. I'm feeling that is is going to be quite a wild ride. He began leading us out into the gardens, it was a long trek there. Everyone seemed to be out of breath, but I was walking fine. Something seemed to be willing me to go forward, like my legs were speeding up to get into the gardens. I wasn't sure what it was, because the prescience I usually felt wasn't there.


When we finally got out into the gardens, at first I was shocked by how amazing everything looked, but then I remembered that this whole place was amazing, so maybe I shouldn't be that surprised by such an amazing display. I looked over by a few of the tables that were being set up, and I noticed that A few people were already there.

From what I could see, 3 women, 1 man, and a little girl. I looked to Soma to see that he was staring in wonder as well. Just more and more shocks kept coming. The closer we got, the more I got that weird feeling again, sort of like a tingling when your foot falls asleep for too long. Instead of it being slightly annoying, it was euphoric. I enjoyed the buzz.

The unnamed servant kept leading us closer to the group, until one of the women's right arm flew up, hands raised. Their back was still to us, by now my body felt the buzz all over the pace, it's like I was being set on fire, a pleasurable fire though, not the burning, painful one that everybody was used to. I gulped, beginning to get nervous.

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