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11:56 AM


"Wow. I'm shocked, Bey?" She looked over to me with a subtle glance as she drove the car with one hand. Raising her eyebrow. "Hm?" She looked at me incredulously.

"What do you mean, my love?" She asked me in curiosity. Shaking my head, I tried to hold back my giggle. "Nothing, it's just I'm surprised you can actually drive!" Scoffing, she ignored my antics.

"Just because I am a demon, does not mean that I lack basic driving skills, Onika." She grumbled, making me snicker. Placing her eyes back on the road, she seemed like she was concentrating. Suddenly, she smirked.

"Remember, I am the one who taught you to drive." I rolled my eyes. "That memory hasn't come back yet." she scoffed, smacking her lips. We sat in comfortable silence, this felt nice.

    Look, I knew she could drive, something in me just wanted to mess with her a little. Seeing that she was nervous, I thought maybe a joke would lighten things up. It felt so nice to be doted on, treated like a baby. In a way, I was feeling conflicted about it. The hardworking single mother in me wanted to decline it, but the feminine and loving side of me wanted to be spoiled, I think we could all agree that I needed a bit of a break.

    The last time I can remember being pampered like this was in one of my past lives, I'm sure. Having your memories strained, coming back sporadically is something so new to me. Bey told me that she wanted to talk about a few things with me, and I wondered what they were. Beyoncé seems to really dislike Abel, and I don't necessarily know why. Maybe that's what she wants to discuss. All my life I've been a really smart girl, not like the dumb final girls in horror movies.

    I could piece things together pretty quickly, and although Bey and I seemed to be on good terms, I felt that there was something on her mind. Maybe I felt it through our bond, maybe our presence, it leered on her. This was something I'd definitely have to ask her about, and soon. To be honest, I don't really know what to expect on this date, and I could just hope that it would go well. Bey was driving downtown and into a place that seemed familiar.

    I couldn't put my finger on it, but we'd definitely bene here before. Maybe that was what she meant when she gave me that cryptic ass clue about where we were going. At first, I thought it was a funeral home, since we were dressed in black, her emo ass. Thought I wouldn't be surprised if she did, she'd probably think it was romantic. I snickered and a memory flashed before me; it was in quick succession, but I closed my eyes as I tapped into it. Bey never did have the best taste.







"Love, are you seeing this!? look at it go!"

    Beyonce told Onika, who tilted her head in slight confusion. Onika didn't want to go to the races with Beyonce, especially because she found them boring. She'd rather play cards or go for a nice walk in the gardens of Beyonce's mansion. But alas, it was Bey's turn to choose where they went on their weekly outing, so her lover relented, and they were dragged off to the Derby.

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