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8:37 PM




"Mommy! Daddy!" Soma practically screamed as he ran into our arms.

  This was adorable, he had been waiting for us at the door. his big teddy bear was in one hand, while I'm pretty sure he had something else in the other. I truly loved my son, and I wouldn't trade him for the word. That was my peace, knowing that he was alright and that he was happy. 

That's truly all I've ever wanted for him.

  Of course, sometimes I never geta break for myself, and it's stressful- but I have to remember that I'm doing the right thing. I felt guilty for going and leaving at first but knowing that he was safe helped me take my mind off of him. the only real person I'd ever trusted him with completely was Robyn.

   We had gotten back from our "date", and Solange was already at Beyonce's manor with Soma. They were still up and waiting for us. Truthfully, Soma was supposed to be in bed right now, but I understood his excitement. I missed him as well, and admittedly, I was tired. Beyonce really did well tonight. It was a memory trigger for me as well.

  "Hi, baby boy! Did you enjoy your time with Solange?" He was jumping up and down, already dressed in his pajamas. He held a half-eaten cookie in his hand as his chubby cheeks sprouted out. he was bathed well, warm and soft. She took good care of him from what I could see. His little arms tried their best to cover my whole body as I was kneeling down to reach his height.

"Yeah! I played with my monster firetruck! Auntie and I baked cookies, and we watched movies!" My heart melted. he was looking so happy-and to see him calling Solange 'auntie' was honestly so adorable. I lightly smiled at him.

"That's so good! Are you going to go say hi to Daddy?" He nodded excitedly, and stumbled out of my grip, heading into the awaiting arms of Beyonce. She really adored him-treated him like her own offspring-which he should be, but I'm still trying to get over that. It hurt my feelings, whether I was dead, or not.

  Beyonce was talking to Soma in the background, so I went ahead to the kitchen and sat down. I was tired. Solange came in after me and hopped onto the counter. She smiled at me, and I did so back. "Hi, Solange. Thanks for taking care of Soma today, i really appreciate it." Shrugging, she waved me off like it was nothing.

"Girl, it's fine! My mom helped out, too. We love Soma. he's a good kid." That made me smile. I sure hoped that he was. Raising him alone was hard, especially since he was around that age where he wanted to branch out and become curious of more things. 

"Thanks, I really hope so. I'm just trying my best." I started thinking of Safaree. 

   I don't want to think him into existence, but sometimes I wondered how things would be if he stayed. Why didn't he? Maybe he just didn't want to be a father. It was probably for the best though, I'm not sure how he would've reacted if he saw Soma, and I don't know how he would, either.

  Soma's always believed he had a dad, but Bey really seems to stick with him even though he isn't her actual son. Soma was strange, but in an adorable- cute way. I know he has to grow up, but damn I don't want him to change. These types of experiences are what make and mold you into an adult. I can't help but to ask myself how he'll turn out sometimes.

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