Lost but finally found

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Welcome to Story 1 of this new crossover/story - as stated in the description these are stand alone one shots that may eventually turn into a full story - if there is one of these that you really like please leave a like or a comment to let me know - enjoy!!

Racing through the hallways of Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital, Scott's heart was racing to the stage he was sure it was about to burst out of his chest. After the many calls over the past six months advising they needed a body identifying or they spotted him on a security camera, it all came down to this moment.

"Mum, is it true?" Scott races over to his Mum to ask, she hugs him tightly while she cries, finally composing herself she lets Scott go so she can answer his question.

"Yeah it's true, they found him and he is alive." Melissa advises her son trying to calm her own emotions down, so she is able to explain properly to him what is currently happening.

"Where is he? I want to see him." Scott states bouncing on his feet ready to run to whatever room is holding his long-lost best friend, it feels like years since he last saw him.

"Scott, you can't see him right now. He is with his Dad; saying goodbye." Melissa advises as more tears slip down her face and Scott can feel the emotions radiating off her.

"Mum, why is he saying goodbye? What's happening?" Scott states knowing what she is about to say is going to change the course of everyone's life.

"Those who were holding Stiles didn't go down quietly nor did they want Stiles to be alive anymore. As they were about to shoot Stiles, Noah dived in front of the bullet; we have tried everything we can but it's not enough." Melissa advises as more tear run down her face as Scott pulls her tightly into another hug.

Hours past as Scott sits in the waiting room, more people had arrived in the meantime with the news quickly spreading of the rescue of Stiles and the injured Sheriff. Some are still trying to remain hopeful on the outside but inside everyone knows the truth.

Lydia arrives four hours after Scott, frantically running through the doors looking around for anyone. Scott heads straight to her and wraps her tightly in a hug before Melissa arrives to update everyone, she quickly greets Lydia before addressing the room.

"I'm sorry to inform you but Sheriff Noah Stilinski passed away a few moments ago." Melissa advises more tears falling down her face as Lydia breaks down and herself and Melissa are wrapped into a hug by Scott.

The doors slam open making everyone jump, they all look to see the out of breath Deputy Parrish entering and looking around. He takes a moment to compose himself before looking around the room, his face drops as his eyes land on Lydia, Melissa and Scott.

"I got here as quick as I could, any news on Noah?" Parrish asks dreading the answer he had a feeling was coming, the tears evident on all faces is clear that the news is not great.

"I'm sorry Parrish, he passed away a few moments ago." Melissa advises the news no easier to advise a second time as it had been the first time.

"Where is he?" Lydia asks Melissa knowing this is not the time for Stiles to be left on his own, his last parent has just died making him an Orphan in the world.

Melissa motions for Lydia and Scott to follow her as they leave the rest behind to comfort each other and make the relevant calls, they approach the doors to the staircase leading; as they look through the little window on the door they find Stiles sat silently crying alone.

Melissa motions for Lydia and Scott to follow her as they leave the rest behind to comfort each other and make the relevant calls, they approach the doors to the staircase leading; as they look through the little window on the door they find Stile...

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Melissa leaves Scott and Lydia as they walk through the door and sit either side of Stiles to provide him with the support, they know he needs right now. Both of them so full of mixed emotions right now, happy he is back but devastated over the loss of Noah.

"Stiles, I am so sorry. We are here for you, for no matter what you need." Scott states as Lydia places a small kiss on Stiles's head.

"I just want my Dad back!" Stiles breaks down into his friend's arms knowing no matter what none of them can give him what he wants.

"Please, bring my Dad back."

Thanks for reading - new one shot will arrive soon!!!

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