Goodbye Newt!

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Welcome to this new story called Goodbye Newt! - thank you everyone for the love and support so far for these short stories, all the suggestions are been heard! - this is a Newtmas based story taking place during The Maze Runner - The Death Cure film - enjoy!!

From the moment Thomas learnt that Newt was infected with the flare virus he already felt his heart start to break, ever since they first locked eyes in the Glade a connection was forged. Everyone that has met the duo could tell even if they were not willing to admit it to each other or themselves. On more then one occasion Thomas had risked his life to save Newt, from getting him out of the Maze to saving him from the grasp of WCKD's cold hands to running slower in a lightning storm so Newt wasn't left behind.

But now time was limited, each passing hour and day Newt grew slightly worse; in the beginning it was just small things from snapping or been irritated easier but now he is coughing a lot more and growing more pale.

Thomas tried to insist that Newt remains behind or helps Brenda but instead demands he comes with Gally, Teresa and Thomas to retrieve Minho and the others. Luckily this did mean Thomas's hidden plan would work better with Newt been close by; thanks to some slight persuasion Teresa advised the vault hold the serum was located on the same level as the prisoners.

They managed to get into the main WCKD building and to the staircase area without any issues, they took a pause while Gally gave access of the cameras to Lawrence and the other Rebels. Newt slowly lifted his mask and let loose a chest cough while Teresa looked on knowingly as Thomas checked to make sure they aren't disturbed.

It only takes a few minutes, but Newt seems worse then when they first arrived, as they make it to the holding cells they quickly take care of the guards before Gally heads directly for the vault while Thomas and Newt open the cells looking for Minho.

With the news that Minho had been transferred gave Gally the opportunity to continue with the hidden mission while getting the others out to Brenda. Newt stubbornly went along with Thomas and Teresa to another area of the building further from the serum to collect Minho.

As per normal nothing goes as planned, of course the traitor Teresa lived up to her name and quickly turned sides once more at the earliest option. Now here they are running through corridors upon corridors screaming Minho's name. Thomas can't help but notice he is doing the shouting as Newt tries to stick closely at his side; as Thomas ran out of bullets Newt came to his rescue with a stun grenade he had stolen from a guard.

As they turned another corner, not for the first time in their lives they were staring down the barrel of a gun with no way out. Thankfully Minho arrived crazed out of his mind throwing the guard through a glass window screaming like a mad man. Racing around in circles trying to find an exit, Janson and his goonies keep firing their guns obviously ignoring Teresa's request that they need to be alive.

Barricading themselves in a room with only one entrance and exit in hindsight but it was better then the alternative, right? A crazy idea came to Thomas as he took a moment to focus, what other option did they have right now? Crazy jump and hope not to die or wait for Janson to break through the door and shoot them without a single blink.

Breaking the surface and spluttering, Thomas after flipping off Janson helps Minho to move the weakened Newt out of the water. Once finally returning to their feet, the sound of guns been primed ring out in the dark cold night; the only sound Thomas is focused on is the weird breathing sound Newt is making.

After Gally's sneaky save they manage to pop some distance between themselves and WCKD tower as the first explosion rings out, the only sound filling Thomas's ears are the consistent coughs coming from Newt, each sounding as though he is coughing on blood.

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