Times up!

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Welcome to this new one shot call Times up! - thank you everyone for all the support and love on this collection so far - I hope you enjoy this new story - tissues maybe needed!!

In his life Stiles had stared down the barrel of a gun more times than any person should ever have too, but out of them all this was the most scared he had been. This is the one occasion he can't see anyway of him getting out of this in one piece let alone alive; but right now, he needs to try something.

"Please you're not thinking straight, just put the gun down and I can help you." Stiles begs the person in front of him, his voice shaking as he speaks.

He never expected a simple visit to the Sheriff station would result in a stand off with a gun aimed at his head, the hand holding it unnaturally still as he glares at Stiles not breaking eye contact. Outside plans are been made also on how to resolve this peacefully without either of the two left inside getting hurt.

"Scott!" Rafael McCall shouts as he arrives at the scene quickly flashing his badge to the Deputy before running towards where Scott and Lydia are standing cuddling in shock over what is happening.

"Dad! What are you doing here?" Scott asks in relief that his Dad is here, there are times in his life that his Dad hasn't shown up when he was really need but on this occasion he arrived.

"Parrish called me and advised me what was happening, I came right here trying to see if I can help in anyway. Is it just the two of them still present inside?" Rafael advises briefly hugging both his son and Lydia to provide comfort before switching to work mode knowing live are on the line.

"Yeah, minus those present in the cells. One Deputy sealed the door so is standing guard over them, but we are in constant communication with them. They were able to provide us the camera footage of inside so we can see what is happening currently." Parrish advises making Rafael jump as he hadn't seen the frantic Deputy arrive.

Parrish guided Scott, Rafael and Lydia over to the main area where they had set the laptops up showing the footage of what was happening inside, the sight before them was one they never thought they would ever see.

"So walk me through what happened exactly, there has to be something that has been missed." Rafael asks Scott, Lydia and Parrish as they had been present all the way up to the moment, they evacuated the Station.

"We arrived about half an hour ago, Stiles needed to speak to his Dad about something; he wouldn't tell us what and made me swear to not listen in. Me and Lydia headed to speak with Parrish instead but as we reached the desk the door to the office slammed open and Stiles backed out of the office with a gun pointed to his head and arms raised in surrender." Scott advises wishing now he had broken his promise and listen in on the conversation, maybe if he had they would know more about what was happening.

"Stiles was so calm, he just stated for none of us to draw out our weapons and to all evacuate right away. Something in his voice or maybe the gun at his head made us follow the instructions he had given us, I sent Clarke to secure the cell block and lock it down while I got everyone out." Parrish finishes off for Scott, he could see the young man was struggling with the current situation.

"Stiles didn't say anything or acted strangely before arriving or leading up to wanting to come here?" Rafael asks trying to determine how they even arrived at this situation, no simple talk with his Dad should end with Stiles currently staring down the barrel of a gun.

"Not that I can think of it was all relatively normal of a day until... wait the call Stiles got before he said he need to come here." Lydia remembers looking towards Scott as he was sat next to Stiles at the time of the phone call.

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