Mistaken Identity

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Welcome to this new one-shot called Mistaken Identity - thank you everyone for your support with these and all of my stories - I hope to start updating regularly again. Enjoy!

It was a normal start to the Noah, nothing odd or strange had happened; he should have known as Sheriff in Beacon Hills that a normal day was as non-existent as Stiles not been sarcastic. A knock on the door just after lunch took him out of the thoughts that today was going to be a normal day.

"Sheriff, reports coming in of a multi-vehicle accident. I am going to take new Deputy Mullens to check it out." Parrish advises Noah who nods to show he heard his Senior Deputy.

As Parrish and Mullens arrived on scene of the reported accident they knew it was going to be a long night, three vehicles had come together at high speed causing one driver to go straight through his windscreen.

"Mullens, what is the procedure here?" Parrish asks as the wind and rains batters him as he looks towards the new Deputy.

"Due to poor visibility, cone off the area and set flares so the ambulances and other motorists can be aware of the accident. Also check the victims and provide what support we can until the ambulances arrive, cover any deceased with blankets and try to collect any IDs so the relevant next of kins can be informed quickly." Mullens rattled off as though he was reading it straight from a script, Parrish knew it was the young Deputies training kicking in to help him cope with the sight in front of them.

"Very good, so grab the cones with blankets and med kit and head to the far side of the accident. I will do the same from this side and we will meet in the middle. Any issues you have your radio with you." Parrish advises before the two set off to work quickly securing the scene before providing medical attention.

Mullens's first accident victims seemed to be okay, just slightly winded from the seat belts and air bags; they did want him instead to check on the blue jeep that had taken the worst of the impact. Mullens grab his med kit and ran directly to the blue jeep that was tipped on its side and was almost torn into two pieces; he knew as he approached it that it would be a miracle if anyone in there was alive.

"Hello, Sheriff Department. Can anyone here me?" Mullens asked as he shone his torch light into window, the only sight to greet him was a mobile phone and a wallet hanging open with the ID present for all to see.

Mullens grabbed the ID knowing he needed to note it but was also curious why he can't find anyone inside of the car, he moved his torch slightly to the right and realised this is the vehicle where the driver had gone through the windscreen.

He places the ID in his jacket as he slowly backs away from the Jeep and looks around to see if he can locate the unlucky driver. He doesn't have to go far before he spots a body lying feet away unmoving, he heads over and checks for a pulse knowing the damage present on both the jeep and body it was not likely.

He unfolds a blanket and places it fully over the body, he steps back and takes a silent moment before continuing to assess the other victims while they wait for the ambulances to arrive. After a long hour been battered with the rain, the four injured people are on the way to the hospital and the only deceased victim is carefully lifted from the ground and placed into a body bag before been transported to the hospital morgue.

Unfortunately due to the trauma sustained going through the windscreen they were going to need to rely on the ID present until DNA and Fingerprint results are back in 48 hours.

"Mullens, you doing okay? I know you found him and it couldn't have been an easy sight." Parrish asks once they are finally cleared to leave the scene now the CSI team had arrived to collect the evidence.

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