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Welcome all to this new short story called Deployment - thank you as always everyone who has already read, voted and commented so far on the stories - I hope you enjoy this new addition!

Parrish was sat at his desk opposite the Sheriff's office and had been watching Noah pace back and forth in his office on the phone for the past forty-five minutes. He wasn't sure what the call was about as it went to his directly line but whatever was happening it was not good news; a sign of this was Noah's hand squeezing into a fist and releasing it again as though fighting the urge to punch someone.

"Any ideas what's happening?" Deputy Clarke asks Parrish sliding her chair over to his desk, so she had a better eye line into the Sheriff's office.

"Nope but I have a feeling if this call doesn't wrap up soon; he is going to punch someone or his chair is coming through that window." Parrish advises but as the words leaves his mouth, Noah slams his handset down on to the phone before grabbing his keys and jacket.

The door to his office forcefully flew open as the other Deputies quickly looked busy as Noah stormed over to Parrish's desk wrestling with the sleeve on his jacket.

"Parrish, I need to leave. I will be back as soon as I can; please make sure there is a cell free." Noah advises before walking out of the station slamming the door behind him as he went.

Confusion radiated of everyone as to why the Sheriff would need an empty cell waiting for him but had one prepared ready for him; due to the unknown need for the cell they made sure it was an isolated single person cell near the door.

About thirty minutes later they all received their answer as Noah walked back in with a passed out Stiles slumped over his shoulder; his hands cuffed together. Parrish jumped up and followed the pair to the cell area opening the doors as they went; Noah laid Stiles down on the bed present before uncuffing him.

Parrish finally got a look at the young man and noticed he had a split lip, a slice on his cheek and his arm was roughly bandage with a dirty rag.

"Let me know when he wakes up, Melissa is on her way to check him over." Noah advises not explaining anything more as he walks away from the cell, he just moment ago locked his own son into.

"Parrish, what should I pop on the booking form? I know the name, age etc but what about the reason for the arrest?" Deputy Collins asks the clipboard and pen present in his hand, trouble is Parrish has no answers.

"Let me get an answer for you; let me know first when Stiles wakes up please." Parrish asks with a comforting smile before looking down one more time at the knocked-out Stiles before heading to Noah's office to get some answers.

Parrish gently knocks on Noah's door before letting himself in and closing the door quickly behind him; he knows how curious and concerned the other Deputies especially when it came to Stiles; after all not every day an officer arrives with their own child in hand cuffs.

"Guessing the phone call, you got earlier was about Stiles?" Parrish states approaching the conversation he need to have while been delicate not to annoy Noah further than he already is.

"Affirmative, arrested by military police for failing to present himself in a suitable time frame for his deployment meeting." Noah states trying to hide the shock at the words he was speaking while taking a sip of his coffee wishing it was something stronger.

"Since when did Stiles fall under military police rules? Also, what do you mean deployment meeting?" Parrish questions while back stepping to take a seat on the chair as he was in shock now himself over the news.

"Since my knucklehead of a son decided that after he graduated top of his class at the FBI he was going to follow in his older brother and father's footsteps and join the Army. Turns out when he arrived late beaten and bleeding they called me to come pick him up. They advised once he has been cleared medically fit he will spend 30 days in military prison before he is shipped out to do his first three month tour." Noah advises laughing over the fact this was a conversation he was having about his own son; never did he think his skinny kid would do this.

It took a few moments for Parrish to register that Noah had said older brother's footsteps; his mind ran through whether Noah had ever mentioned another son but nothing came to mind.

"Parrish, before you combust you're the older brother that Stiles mentioned on his application. You have been a role model to him since you arrived in Beacon Hills and obviously, he sees you as the older brother he never had." Noah advises smiling before looking towards his door as he hears a gentle knock, he waves in the person present.

"Sheriff, sorry to interrupt but Melissa and Scott McCall are here to see you." Deputy Clarke advises before stepping aside allowing the two mentioned people through the door.

"Melissa, thanks for coming; Parrish you good to show Melissa to why we asked her here please." Noah states nodding towards the confused looking Melissa who was carrying her medical kit.

After the two had left the door was closed for a few moments before Scott started to talk at a hundred miles per hour, Noah calmly listened and chuckled at the parts where Scott threatened to rip Stiles limb from limb if he ever gets in a fight again without calling him

"Scott, before you wolf out on me take a deep breathe. Things are not as simple as they seem; Stiles joined the army. Once your mum clears him he will be taken to military prison for a set number of days before been shipped somewhere we don't know for months." Noah advises once he managed to stop the Alpha pacing back and forth and let him hear what he was saying.

"I'm calling my Dad and telling him I am never speaking to him again over this; he should have stopped Stiles and if he couldn't then call me. I would have made a plan and..." Scott started again but was quickly cut off with the office door opening once again to reveal Stiles, Melissa and Parrish stood there; Stiles still pale but smiling at his best friend.

"Scott, we have spoken about you making plans before. Your plans suck and cause us more trouble then it worth sometime. Do I need to remind you of the time you bit Liam and then kidnapped him, wrapped him in rope, duct taped his mouth shut and hid him in the bath in your on-suite." Stiles jokes punching Scott in the shoulder before walking gingerly to give his dad a quick hug.

"Hey pops, couldn't have removed the handcuffs before we got here hey!" Stiles jabs before slowly sitting down in a chair, his arm and hand resting over his ribs.

"Nope, seemed like the right level of punishment after the stress you caused me. Also when were you going to tell any of us you had joined the Army? Does Rafael even know?" Noah questions his son in the tone that makes Stiles know only the truth will be accepted.

"Actually Raf does know, as he helped me get my application sorted and everything squared away with the FBI, and he is also the answer to question one as we had agreed as he was due to come to town next week he would hand deliver some letters I had written." Stiles advises as Melissa hands him a cup of water and pain killers which he takes gratefully.

"Oh by the way Scott, your Dad is coming for a visit next week. He kinda asked me to let you know but certain events happened so I kinda forgot to drop you a message. Alright how long do I have until I am getting picked up?" Stiles asks casually sinking further into the chair as the pain killers were starting to have effect.

"Well you need to come to the hospital as need to x-ray your ribs and get a scan of your head plus I need you to get a full once over and a good night sleep." Melissa advises squeezing Stiles's arm to wake him up from where he had dozed off in the chair.

"Cheeseburger, Fries and Chocolate milkshake please." Stiles grumbled before fall asleep once again causing the whole room to laugh out loud before Melissa woke him up once again and they all headed to the Hospital.

Thank you for reading - new story will arrive soon!!!!!

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