Hold on Brother

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Welcome to this one shot called Hold on Brother - turns out this one shot is a special one as it is the 20th story in this collection just as this story reaches 20k reads - thank you everyone who has read, voted and commented, it means the world to me. Here is the new story, tissues may be need. Enjoy!

Bullets weren't actually silver.

They were more of a dark grey due to the lead, though, Stiles had to admit the one that came shooting out of the gun and into his chest did look pretty silver with the sun glinting off it; this thought filled his mind as his body no longer had the strength to keep him upright and he fell down to the ground.

Stiles gasped as he was quickly dragged backwards behind a building to safety, screams, and shouts of panic and fear echoing in his ears. He scrunched up his face in pain as he desperately tried to force his arm to move because he needed to slow the bleeding, damn it, but his arm felt like it weighed twenty pounds, and he was finding breathing to be a difficult challenge. Every breath was harder and harder to make as agonizing pain blossomed across his chest.

Some mixture of a cry and sob left his mouth as he was jostled and moved into a more secure location. He was struggling to breathe at this point as the paramedics began to swarm him. Someone pressed down roughly on his chest where the bullet wound was, dragging another scream of pain from Stiles's lips and he weakly raised his hand to try and bat it away because damn that hurt when he vaguely felt someone grab onto it tightly.

Stiles slowly opened his eyes to see Parrish kneeling over him, his eyes wild and panicked, his mouth moving at a mile a minute but Stiles couldn't make out a single word over the rushing waterfall noise in his ears. He kept watching, forcing himself to study the words Parrish was forming to try and distract himself from the pain that burning in his chest.

"—athe! Breathe, Stiles!" Parrish's voice finally cut through him like ice.

Oh. He wasn't breathing. Maybe that's why the pain seemed to lessen.

He should probably breathe though, that's important.


Yes. Breathe, Stiles, breathe!

Stiles opened his mouth and sucked in a lung full of air, breaking into harsh coughs as he exhaled.

Parrish let out a shout of relief and the hold on his hand tightened. "That's it Stiles, just keep breathing, just like that."

"Hurts." Stiles whimpered, wincing as he swallowed the bitter taste of coppery blood in his mouth, every time he took a breath it felt like his lungs were burning; there didn't seem to be enough air in the world at the moment.

"I know, I know, buddy, but you have to keep taking slow breathes for me. The ambulance is almost here, and I am sure Melissa will have you patched up in no time." Parrish reassured him, his voice shaking unable to hide his panic away from Stiles.

"Am I going to die?" Stiles rasps out, his gaze involuntarily wandering down to where another set of hands were pressing against his wound, Parrish grabbed his chin before he could look though, firmly forcing his gaze back up to him.

"No, no you're not going to die, Stiles," Parrish said thickly. "You're going to be just fine and sharing more of your ridiculous adventures with Lydia and Scott in no time at all."

Stiles watched as a tear fell down Parrish's cheek, he squeezed Parrish's hand with what little strength he had left. "M sorry." he rasped out before feeling the darkness folding around the edges of his vision.

Parrish's reply was lost to the chaos of the scene around them as his eyes drifted shut, the anchor of his exhaustion pulling him deep into the depths of unconsciousness.


Parrish quickly placed his fingers on Stiles's pulse point on his neck as he watched the man he considered a little brother eyes roll into the back of his head and his head drooped to the side; he held his own breathe as he waited to feel a tell tale sign of life below his finger tips but couldn't feel anything.

"GET THAT AMBULANCE HERE RIGHT NOW, WE HAVE AN OFFICER DOWN. CPR IN PROGRESS!" Parrish screams into his radio before gently moving Stiles's head and tilting it back to make sure his airway was open.

Once he was in position, he started with the chest compressions ignoring out all of the background noise happening around him, he knew no matter how long it took for the ambulance to arrive he had to keep going Stiles was counting on him.

After thirty pumps on his chest Parrish reached to check his pulse but still was found with nothing but stillness under his fingertips, as he started the second round he heard the sirens of an ambulance arriving but he didn't stop.

"Parrish what do...Oh my god Stiles, someone get me the life back and oxygen now!" Melissa's voice rings out above Parrish before she drops into the opposite side to Parrish and checks Stile's for a pulse herself.

"Parrish, how long has he been down for?" Melissa asks dreading the answer as she knows anything over three minutes then they have the risk of brain damage due to lack of oxygen and blood reaching the brain.

"About two minutes, he was awake and talking but seemed to be struggling to breathe. Then he just went like this and I started CPR right away as soon as I shouted to get the Ambulance here now; Melissa we can't lose him." Parrish breathes out quickly while continuing to try and pump life back into Stiles's cold unmoving body.

After another twenty pumps on his chest Parrish pauses for the life pack machine to be connected and for a pulse check to be done once again; now the situation was resolved all the officers had gathered around waiting for the familiar sound of a heartbeat but all they were greeted with was the long beep of dread.

Checking patient, Shock advised, preparing for shock to be administered.

"Alright everyone back away, all hands clear." Melissa advises as the paramedics that were inserting an IV line into Stiles and preparing the oxygen lifted hands away to show all clear as Parrish did the same.

"Clear!" Melissa shouts as she presses the button and Stiles's body lifts off the ground and back down again, everyone looks towards the machine for any changes but sees nothing.

Compressions advised.

"Let me go that's my son, my beautiful boy! STILES!!" Noah's screams ring out in the air as Melissa starts compressions once again while the paramedic intubates Stiles and squeezes the oxygen bag in a steady rhythm.

Melissa completes thirty pumps on Stiles's chest before checking once again for a pulse, the counting clock in her head reminding her they are over the three minute mark so even if Stiles gets his pulse back now he may not survive.

Checking patient, no shock advised.

Melissa froze before looking towards the machine as a the steady single beep started to get faster and faster.

"We got him back! Alright let's move him, radio ahead and get Dr Geyer to open the operating room for an incoming trauma." Melissa screams out as within a flurry Stiles is quickly loaded onto a backboard and lifted onto the gurney with the life pack still attached and the false oxygen being pumped manually into his body.

Noah breaks through those keeping him away while Parrish and Melissa fought to save Stiles and races over to the Ambulance as Stiles is loaded in.

"I'm sorry I can't take you with me, I need room to work. I promise you I will look after him." Melissa states hastily before slamming the doors shut and the ambulance tore away from the sight leaving a stunned Noah and Parrish in it's wake.

Noah turned towards Parrish and pulled the younger Deputy into a tight hug; he knows the relationship Stiles and he has so understands how he must be feeling right now.

"Thank you for saving your brother."

Thank you for reading - new one shot will arrive shortly!

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