The Proposal

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Welcome to this new story called The Proposal - thank you everyone who has so far commented, voted or read these stories so far - if there is a story you would like to see please let me know - enjoy!!!

"Scotty, I can't do this. You are going to have to do it for me." Stiles rambled out as he walked into Scott's house, who looked rather surprised to see his friend like this.

"Do what for you?" Scott enquires unsure what task Stiles was on about, whatever it was his friend was nervous.

"Of course you can't do it, I have to do it. If you do it, it will just be weird. I love her so much, why is this freaking me out?" Stiles states aloud again and Scott is even more confused at what his best friend is going on about.

"Do you wanna take a seat and tell me what is going on as I am totally lost right now?" Scott suggests while standing up and placing a hand on his friends shoulder to stop his endless pacing.

"I had it all planned out so easily on my board; why is reality more complicated?" Stiles asks and Scott isn't quite sure if his friend is wanting a response or not.

Melissa walks through the door with Rafael trailing behind her carrying an armful of shopping bags.

"Hey Stiles, told you he would be here Raf!" Melissa states smuggly before proceeding to place away her shopping.

"Rafael, save me. Please tell me we have a case or you need me back in Washington DC. Anything please." Stiles begs the man who looks dumbstruck at the idea before composing himself and letting out a small chuckle.

"You know I can't do that Stiles, you already have a personal case you to complete which is why you booked two weeks off. Speaking of, you left this behind on your desk." Rafael advises before taking out a small ring box and handing it over.

"Oh my god, is that what I think it is?" Melissa high pitch squealed before racing over to join the group of men.

"Dude congrats, hang on is this the thing  you were going to ask me. Cause I love you but not in that way." Scott jokes causing Melissa and Rafael to laugh at their son and Stiles smirked.

"Don't say congratulations yet, still need her to say yes. You all know Lydia this has got to be perfect; I have this plan in my mind and technical on my crime board but whether it will actually become a reality." Stiles states his voice getting more panicked as he keeps thinking about all the ways he could mess this up.

"Stiles breathe, it is all going to go perfectly. Just think you have already gone over the first four major hurdles. You decided you wanted to make this commitment, you have brought a ring, you have planned out when and where you are doing it and finally you have asked her Dad for permission. Please tell me, you have asked permission??" Melissa lists out before panicking herself thinking Stiles had missed one of the most important steps.

"I asked Natalie for permission instead as Lydia's Dad isn't really in the picture. You know what you are right, everything for once is going to go as planned." Stiles states hopefully and everyone can see the shift in his momentum as though his confidence has been found.

A few days later

Stiles once again walls into the McCall residence looking as though his world was falling apart. Melissa and Scott watched while eating breakfast as Stiles paced back and forth.

"Told you! I told you that reality doesn't always match what you plan. Stupid planes getting cancelled so now everything is ruined. I told you everything was going to go wrong." Stiles rants as he continues to pace back and forth.

"Stiles, what planes?" Scott asks voicing his and Melissa's confusion as Stiles hasn't actually divulged the plan to anyone.

"To Paris! Yes I know it is cheesy but it was our first holiday destination together so I thought I would take her back and propose underneath the Eiffel Tower at night. Now it is all ruined." Stiles explains as a single tear escapes down his cheek and the duo can really see how this is affecting him.

"Alright we always know we can't count on Plan A, so what is Plan B?" Scott enquires hoping the one time they really need a Plan B, Stiles didn't forget to do one.

"Of course I have a Plan B,but I am going to need your help to get it all ready." Stiles advise with Melissa and Scott agreeing to help right away.

Later that evening

Stiles arrives at Lydia's house to collect her for their date, he had to tell her that Paris was cancelled but to still be dressed up as he was taking her out to night.

As Lydia opened the door, Stiles's mouth slightly dropped open at how beautiful she looked.

"Wow, you look amazing." Stiles advises leaning forward and placing a gentle kiss on her cheek.

"Thanks, you don't look to bad yourself. So where are we heading?" Lydia asks as she takes Stiles's arm as he guides her towards his car.

The car was a comfortable silence as Stiles drove them to the location he had planned, as he pulled up at the High school Lydia's face pulled a confused look.

"Come on, we just have something we need to attend to first and then we are going for some food afterwards." Stiles states as he turns off the engine and gets out of the Jeep.

Lydia huffs slightly before doing the same, she is completely confused at what Stiles needed to do her.

"So help him, if this is for Scott she will scream so loud his ears will burst!" Lydia thought as Stiles grabbed her hand and walked towards the school.

As she opened the doors she can't help but notice pink rose petals scattered in a line from the door to what looked like the boys locker room with candles flickering also as they walked along the petal path.

As they stepped inside the locker room, Lydia notices the petals and candles continue to a certain spot, their spot. Stiles guides her over his hand shaking as he does as he turns her to face him.

"Lydia, in this very room and spot is the moment we shared our first kiss, it is also the place that everything changed between us for the better." Stiles starts his voice shaking as the nerves start to arrive but looking at Lydia he know he is doing the right thing.

"This is also the spot where you saved my life and admitted to me that you loved me as much as I loved and still love you to this day. We both know we don't lead a normal life, but what is normal now a days. Besides that is why you should always have a Plan B and C!"

"But Lydia Martin, you have always been and will always be my Plan A. Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?" Stiles asks getting down on one knee as he takes the ring box from his pocket and opens it up.

"Of course I will you dummy!" Lydia states happily through tears as Stiles slides the ring on her finger before returning to both feet to sweep Lydia into a kiss.

Thanks for reading - new story will arrive soon!!!

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