Forgive me!

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Welcome to the new story called Forgive me! - thank you everyone so much for all the love and support been given to these stories - here is the newest one, enjoy!!!

As Stiles comes down the stairs, he leaves his bags by the doors before heading into the kitchen to join his Dad for breakfast; he acts as normal as possible even though he is pain everyday but needs to pretend as he had the past few days that he was fine.

"Hey Sti, sorry I am needing to shoot off. Parrish needs me to check over something before we start working on the lovely crazy people of today." Noah advises as he picks his flask and keys from the top as he speaks.

"Look after yourself please." Stiles states hoping his Dad didn't notice the tone he had used or the bags under his eyes from another night of not sleeping.

"Always do and always will. You alright?" Noah asks noticing his son's hands shaking as he was standing in front of him, after everything that had happened he didn't want to over baby him but then at the same time didn't want to hold him at arm's length.

"I'm fine. You should get going, don't want Parrish to send out a search party for you." Stiles states coldly cutting his Dad off from asking anymore questions as he grabs an apple from a bowl and walks out the kitchen.

Stiles hears his Dad leave through the backdoor a few moments later with the tell-tale sign of the Sheriff's car starting and pulling out from the drive way; Stiles looked at the clock on the wall and spotted he had around an hour before school to get as much distance as he could. Once everything was loaded into his Jeep, Stiles starts diving towards the town border; he slows down slightly by the Sheriff Station before shaking his head and continues on his journey needing no distractions.

Scott arrived at School and instantly he felt something wasn't right, he had the same nagging feeling all morning but couldn't pop his finger on why he was feeling this way. He had popped it down to nerves over Stiles returning back to school today; it was his first time back since everything had gone down. Part of him wanted to hop back on his bike and head over to Stiles's house and give him an escort to school then maybe in someway Stiles may think he is crowding him.

Scott heads inside and meets up with Lydia and Kira, neither had seen Stiles yet but wasn't worried as they expected him to wait until last minute to arrive to avoid the crowds and potential stares. Rumours had been circulating amongst pupils over Stiles disappearances and reappearances, luckily thanks to the help of Lydia's Mum and Scott's Dad the staff at the school had been provided an amended version of the truth.

Since the announcement of Allison and Aiden's deaths started circulating and the respectful memorials arranged in place everyone was focusing more on that then the circumstances around Stiles. Lydia and Kira were chatting away when Coach walked past rattling away, the two noticed he was speaking with Malia; neither had really spoken to her since she had came to pass the information from Stiles over to Scott.

The bell rang out for homeroom as everyone headed off to their respective rooms, Scott hanged around his and Stiles's lockers hoping to spot his friend as he arrived but he never arrived. Scott head to homeroom stating a quick apology as he arrived before taking his seat between Kira and Lydia.

"No sign, let me text him. Maybe he is having issues with his Jeep again." Scott states taking out his phone and typing out a quick message to Stiles hoping he arrives to School or answers back soon.

"I'll give him to the end of first period, if still no sign or word I will call his Dad." Scott states knowing the look Lydia was giving him, it was the same one she gave him in Stiles's room the night he vanished.

No contact nor sign of Stiles happens and at the start of second period Scott is starting to worry, as he walks into gym he heads right for Coach's office knowing he had to find Stiles but needed permission to leave.

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