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Welcome to story five called Choices - thank you once again everyone who has read, voted and commented on each of the stories so far - now this story is over 2k words so just going to crack on - enjoy!!!

Every single day, choices are made that shape our life; some for the positive others for the negative. Holding the small note in the palm of his hand, Stiles knew this was one of them choices his Dad had always told him about; a decision that he would look back on and wish he made the other choice.

"Stiles, you all good?" Rafael McCall asks from behind him jolting Stiles back to the present instead of been lost somewhere within his thoughts, he quickly places the note in his pocket determined to ignore it; the way he had ignored the past twelve notes that had appeared both at home and the Station.

"Yeah sorry didn't hear you come in, thanks for meeting with me. I wanted to speak to you about returning to the FBI, I have gotten the written confirmation signing me off regarding the psych evaluation and I know I need to repass the firearm assessment, but I am ready." Stiles states with confidence in his voice, since his disappearance and sudden reappearance everyone had been walking on eggshells around him.

The only person he had been honest about what had happened to him was Melissa, as his Dad made her give him a full check over once he had arrived back. Since his return he had done nothing but where long sleeved jumpers to cover the healing cuts and burns; he would take long walks alone with no destination in mind.

"Are you sure? I know you have had a tough time readjusting or feeling safe again, there is no rush. Your job will be waiting for you once you are ready; I even got it agreed for you to have minimal travel and to be based out of Beacon Hills instead." Rafael advises taking a seat down opposite where Stiles is currently leaning against his Dad's desk.

"I'm sure, for me to finally feel safe and back normal is to start living my life again. To stop hiding from the world and instead welcome what ever else can be thrown my way. No I am not ready to explain where I have been or what happened to me; but I know I am ready to come back to work and to start piecing my life together once more." Stiles states hoping this bit of honest will prove to Rafael that he is okay and is ready to get on with his life.

"Okay then, I guess we can sweet talk your Dad or Parrish into using the firing range and we can you recertified; we both know how long it took last time for you to get a score good enough to pass." Rafael jokes before rising up and hugging Stiles before leaving office to get the range prepared, Stiles can't help but smile to himself how surprised Rafael will be how well he can shoot now.

Stiles leaves the office and heads right to the range, he notices the table set out with different gun types and ammunition present waiting to be loaded and used; as he reaches his hand out to touch one he notices his hand is shaking. He clenches it into a fist before moving it away quickly, he takes two steps back before turning and running away; he hears his name been shouted as he races through the station and out the entrance doors.

He ignores the way his heart is pounding in his chest or the way his hands are shaking more no matter how hard he clenches them, as he gets out the doors he goes around the corner and leans up against the walls and slides down it. He can't understand why simply seeing a gun is making him feel this way, he should be able to control his emotions; come on Thomas.

He slowly returns back to his feet and wipes the tears on his arm before holding himself up straight and walking back into the Station with his head held up high and focused on the task at hand. Several people go to speak to him but the look on his face must advise them to not even mention what they just witness or ask if he was okay.

As he reaches the firing range he spots Parrish, Rafael and his Dad waiting for him, he takes a deep breathe before walking past them and grabs the ear protection, first gun and matching ammunition before heading to the range. The three men step behind the safety glass before Stiles is given the signal to proceed, they watch in shock as fires the first gun perfectly and proceeds to the do the rest hitting the centre mass each time.

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