Spark of Life!

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Welcome to this new one shot called Spark of Life! - thank you so much everyone who has read, voted and commented on any of the one shots so far - this is a 3k story so enjoy!!!

Standing on top of the Nemeton during a thunder and lightning storm was not exactly the place Stiles expected to find himself when Scott had dragged him out of the house saying Derek needed their help.

Stiles watched as the rain poured down as a group of untamed creatures surrounded Derek and Scott who had their claws out and eyes shining bright in the dark forest as lightening cracked nearby lighting up the entire area.

"Seriously Derek, what did you do to annoy these creatures so much?" Stiles shouted at the man as they continued to circle the duo as Derek shot Stiles a stern look.

"Of course this is my fault, I am not the one who several years ago who used the power of the Nemeton to locate my lost parent and woke up an ancient psychopath." Derek snarled back shutting Stiles up from speaking again as he still has nightmares about that time, each the same that Void would return to finish what he started.

"Not the time guys, what even are these things?" Scott shouts over the noise of the storm as he stares in horror at the faceless creatures in front of him and Derek.

"Experiments gone wrong. Dread Doctors failed creatures. How on earth am I meant to know? Just get rid of them and let's get out of here!" Stiles screams sarcastically over the loud rumble of thunder before a deafening crack of lighting hit again.

At this point everything seemed to move in slow motion, the creatures in front of Derek and Scott vanish as a lightening bolt crashes down right onto the Nemeton and Stiles. Stiles goes flying through the air as electricity runs through every inch of him, he crashes hard into a tree and remains unmoving expect small jolts.

"Stiles!" Derek and Scott scream at the same time racing over to their friend, neither of them acknowledging at the time that the storm that was raging had now disappeared as though it had never existed in the first place.

They gently roll him over onto his back with Derek supporting his neck as Scott places two fingers on his friends next praying to find a pulse, he will never forgive himself for dragging Stiles out of the house if he dies because of him.

"I got a pulse, but we need to get him to the Hospital; the pain I pulled from him was too much to handle." Scott advises his voice shaking as he speaks, Derek just nods his head before gently scooping Stiles up as they rush towards his Jeep.

They knew running him to the Hospital maybe quicker but without knowing the damage caused they could risk paralysing him if he has a back injury, at least in the car one of them can hold him while the other drives. They assume the Sheriff would be okay with them breaking the speed limit seeing as it is the life of his son they are trying to save; they skid into the hospital parking lot and park in the space nearest to the entrance.

As soon as the engine was turned Derek dived out of the driver's side slamming the door shut before starting to shout for help towards the Hospital entrance before turning to help Scott get Stiles out of the Jeep. Melissa hears the sound of Derek's voice shouting for help as she places a folder back into its place, she advises a nearby nurse to grab the bed and follow her as she sprints through the automatic doors.

The sight in front of her stops her in the track as Derek and Scott hold a lifeless Stiles's between them, she quickly regains her composure as she carries on moving forward to help place Stiles on the bed that had arrived quickly at her side. Once he is safely strapped on the bed with his head and neck secured Melissa orders for him to be quickly rushed inside with Dr Geyer to be paged and for someone to call Noah Stilinski.

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