What Was Lost ≫ Stonefur x Apprentice! Reader (PLATONIC)

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Art: AngelDalet

⚠️ Warnings ⚠️
• Violence
• Gore and blood
• Death
• Angst

The blood in your veins felt like ice and your stomach clenched, threatening to spill over. Your only friends, Stormpaw and Featherpaw, were crouched on either side of you, trembling as they gazed up at Tigerstar and his minions with wide, frightened eyes. Your mentor was standing before them, standing in front of you and your denmates protectively. "Stonefur," Tigerstar began, his dark voice sending chills up your spine. "You have one chance to prove your loyalty to TigerClan." Stonefur stared back at him, his blue gaze hard as rock.

"What is it, Tigerstar?" You thought you detected a slight tremble in his strong voice, but he was doing a great job of hiding it. The massive tabby on top of the bone piled smiled, a sight that made your skin crawl.

"Kill the half-clan apprentices." If your blood was ice before, it was a blizzard now. You swiveled you looked up at Stonefur, your eyes brimming with tears. He wouldn't kill Featherpaw and Stormpaw... Would he? A moment later, your fears were diminished slightly.

"You cannot expect me to murder two innocent cats!" Stonefur's voice was firm, and the fur on his shoulders began to rise. Tigerstar stared back coldly, his piercing amber gaze calculating.

"This is your only chance, Stonefur. If you don't do it, someone else will. And you... Well, you will be dealt with on my own terms." You felt bile rise in your throat. It all seemed so hopeless— there was no way out of this. Someone was going to die. The sturdy gray tom bared his teeth in a snarl, moving so he concealed your friends more.

"You'll have to kill me first, Tigerstar!" The cruel leader's eyes narrowed, then a sadistic smirk crossed his face. You rose to your paws, intent on defending your mentor and denmates if given the opportunity. You would not let the cats you love die.

"Very well," Tigerstar purred darkly, turning his gaze to a massive white tom with jet-black paws. "Kill him." The TigerClan deputy nodded once, standing up and unsheathing his massive claws. Without a moment of hesitation he leaped onto Stonefur, knocking him onto his back and delivering several hard blows to the RiverClan deputy's exposed face. Featherpaw let out a desperate wail, and Stormpaw got up to comfort his sister.

"There's nothing we can do," You heard him whisper, his voice strained with anger and pain. "We just have to pray to StarClan that Stonefur wins. He has to win, Featherpaw. He's Stonefur." Despite your fellow apprentice's vain attempt at reassurance, you could detect a note of despair and fear in his voice. Not that you could blame him; you were on the verge of vomiting.

Stonefur managed to throw the massive ShadowClan cat off of him and scramble to his paws, but his wounds were bleeding heavily. Several small puddles of crimson decorated the dull camp, a stark contrast to the white bones and gray sky. "I will not let you harm another one of my clanmates," The gray deputy snarled, struggling to catch his breath. "Not ever!" Then he lunged forward, thrusting Tigerstar's minion back and pummeling his face and chest with unsheathed claws. The white tom—who's name you were unfamiliar with— hooked his claws into Stonefur's ear and tossed him off to the side. Blood sprayed the ground once again, and your mentor collided with the dirt with an audible "ah!" You stared in frozen terror as the ShadowClan warrior pinned Stonefur by his throat, raising a paw full of sharp claws.

"You should've obeyed Tigerstar while you still had the chance," He snarled, his voice dripping with malice. "Then your precious little rats wouldn't have to watch you die!"

"NO!" You thrusted yourself forward with your hind legs, slamming into the white tom's flank and sending him sprawling across the clearing. Stonefur scrambled desperately to his paws, but not fast enough to catch you before you pounced on the murderer again, sinking your teeth into his ear and raking your claws down his shoulder. He snarled, thrusting you off of him with sharp claws. You hit the ground hard, sharp pain shooting up your spine like lightning. Before you had time to get your bearings again, the massive white warrior was on top of you, his breathing ragged and his amber eyes glistening with unbridled fury.

"Stupid apprentice!" He roared, his long claws penetrating your chest. "You will pay for disrespecting TigerClan with your blood!" You opened your jaws to snarl a stinging retort, but all that came out was a scream of pain as the tom sank his claws deep into your chest and dragged them down. Endless streams of dark crimson erupted from the wound, and you gagged as the same thing filled your mouth and threatened to drown you. Everything became a blur. You heard several cats screeching and a horrified scream from who you could only assume was Featherpaw, then everything became clear and Stonefur was crouching beside you, his blue eyes exhausted and glistening with tears.

"Why did you do that?" He whispered. "Why would you do something so reckless?" You blinked, your surroundings slowly coming back to you. Featherpaw and Stormpaw stood several whisker-lengths behind your mentor, their eyes wide and full of tears. You smiled weakly, unable to move. You met Stonefur's gaze, your eyes brimming with tears.

"Clanmates look out for each other," You whispered, your voice strained and raspy. "We have to—" You coughed, blood spraying the ground by your muzzle. Stonefur visibly winced, and Featherpaw buried her face into her brother's shoulder. "We have to look out for each other. If... If we didn't, there would be no point in... In having clans..." You gasped in a rattling breath, feeling the warm blood spread around your head. Stonefur gently placed his paw on yours. You looked up at him through darkening vision one last time. "I love you," You whispered, your senses growing numb. "Thank you..." Then, your paws gave one final jerk, a soft breath escaped your mouth, and everything faded away. As you drifted into the numbing darkness, you took great comfort in the fact that what had been lost was not your clan, or your friends, or even your pride. What had been lost was you, and as long as your friends and family got to live their lives, you didn't mind.

Rest In Peace, you brave warrior. May StarClan light your path.

I find death scenes strangely comforting to write. I don't know why XD

Once again, thanks a million for reading. Please feel free to leave a request in the comments!

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