The Little Things ≫ Tallstar x Sick! Female! Reader

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Art: Julia Poppa

⚠️ Warnings ⚠️
• Sickness (no vomiting)

You broke out into a coughing fit for what must've been the seventh time that morning, and you'd only woken up a few minutes ago. Tallstar stirred beside you, groaning softly as he woke up. You sighed, feeling bad for waking him. "I'm sorry," You meowed hoarsely. "I can't stop coughing."

"It's alright love," He murmured sleepily, sitting up and gazing at you through bleary amber eyes. "Would you like me to fetch Barkface?"

"No thank you," You replied, sniffling as your nose started to run. "I just need rest and maybe some catmint." Your mate smiled, pulling you closer and licking your cheek.

"How stubborn. Why am I not surprised?" You huffed, settling back down into the warm moss. Tallstar rose to his paws, padding over to the den entrance.

"Don't leave me," You whined pitifully, giving him a look a lost kit would likely give a passerby. "I don't feel good and I need you here." Tallstar smiled softly, warmth flooding his gaze. You looked away, feeling your fur become hot. Even after all this time, you still found his smile as enchanting as ever.

"I'll be back very soon," He promised. "I just need to get that catmint you want. Are you hungry?" You shook your head, feeling your stomach clench at the thought of eating. Tallstar chuckled again, and you glared at him. "I'll take that as a no." Then, he turned and disappeared through the lichen. Once he was gone, you allowed your eyes to close and drift off for a moment.

"(Y/N), wait up! I'm not as fast as you!" You smirked, turning to look at the tom pursuing you like a cheeky apprentice. He was clearly struggling to keep up, despite his long legs.

"Come on, slow-slug!" You teased. "It's just up ahead!" He scoffed, but kept up a light jog anyway. You sighed happily, shaking your head. Allowing yourself to slow down out of pity, you fell into step beside the young warrior as you both made your way across the springy heather.

"When did you get so fast?" He chuckled breathlessly, turning to look at you. You met his gaze, a flush of heat settling on your skin. His brilliant amber eyes shone like the Moonstone in the evening light, full of compassion and purity.

"I don't know," You purred, rolling your eyes at his cheeky remark. "I guess I'm just better than you." You smirked, casting a sly glance at him from the corner of your eye. He gasped over-dramatically, pretending to be hurt by your challenging remark.

"How could you, (Y/N)? I've been nice to you!"

"Prove me wrong, then!" You teased, your paws itching with the urge to run. "If you can beat me to that boulder over there—" You pointed with your tail to a large rock that sat at the edge of the moor— "then I'll let you be the best warrior." He sighed, shaking his head in exasperation.

"Okay, but no—" You didn't give him time to finish, instead bolting off at the speed of light toward the boulder. He stared after you, a mixture of disbelief and annoyance on his face. "—head starts."

You threw a quick glance behind you, smirking as you saw your best friend struggling to keep up once again. Looks like (Y/N) won't be losing her title tonight! You picked up speed, leaping over a rabbit's burrow and landing with a satisfying thump at the base of the boulder. A moment later your friend caught up to you, panting and glaring playfully. "You cheated!" You smirked again, tossing a tiny pebble at him, which he dodged.

"Did not! You're just slow!" With a mock growl, he leaped forward and tackled you to the ground and pinned you by your shoulders. You looked up at him, feeling your nose turn a shade darker. He must've noticed this because his own nose turned a dark pink and he flattened his ears self-consciously.

"Why did you bring me out here, (Y/N)?" He let you back up, giving you some space to shake scraps of heather from your pelt.

"W-well," You stammered nervously, averting your gaze. "I guess I've been meaning to tell you how much you mean to me, Talltail..." Talltail blinked, his nose turning even darker, if that was even possible.

"(Y/N), I... I feel the same. I just never thought you did, so I kept it to myself..." You both stared at each other in silence for a moment, then without warning, the slender tom took a swift step forward and pressed his nose to yours. You froze, shock rippling through you like a gust of wind. Slowly you relaxed into his embrace and allowed yourself to fall into him in a way you never thought you could. After a moment he pulled away and stared into your eyes and you into his. "(Y/N), will you make me the happiest tom in the forest and be my mate?" You felt tears brimming in your eyes at his proposal, and you immediately began rubbing your cheek against his.

"Yes! Yes I will be your mate, Talltail! I love you more than anything else in the forest!" Talltail purred joyously, returning your loving gesture and twining his tail with yours.

"We'll have the best life ever," He whispered in your ear as you both embraced each other. "I promise—You'll see!"

You woke up to the sound of returning pawsteps and raised your head tiredly to see your mate of many moons returning with several catmint stalks gripped in his jaws, as well as two or three poppy seeds. You smiled warmly, the memory of your dream replacing the ache in your lungs. Tallstar noticed your smile and tipped his head off to one side, setting the herbs down next to you. "What is it, dear?"

"Oh nothing," You quipped sarcastically. "I was just thinking about how absolutely wonderful you are in every possible way." The WindClan leader chuckled, padding over to you with a shake of his head.

"You always were such a cheeky fox, you." You stretched your neck out to muzzle him, a content purr rising in your sore throat.

"I suppose it's the little things that count." Tallstar smiled warmly, placing a gentle lick on your forehead.

"I suppose you're right, my love. What would I do without you?" You smirked, sitting up slightly and wrapping your tail around yourself.

"Crash and burn." Tallstar laughed heartily, giving you a playful shove with his paw. You laughed as well, feeling much better with the love of your life by your side.

"Get some rest you cheeky fox," He purred. "I'll be back to check on you later." You purred, lapping up the catmint and poppy seeds and resting your chin on your paws.

"I will. Don't miss me too much." He smiled, making his way back to the den entrance.

"You know I can't go ten heartbeats without missing you." You chuckled, feeling the effect of the poppy seeds taking hold.

"I know."

I loved Tallstar a lot in the books, and I was genuinely depressed when he died in Starlight T~T Rest In Peace, my boy.

I liked the concept of this one, and I also love fluffy one-shots like this. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!

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