Chapter 1 - It's a boy!!!

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"And this is the model for our new phone. It has all the technologies that generation Y2K can ever dream of." Ae said concluding the presentation.

"And that too at the most affordable price." Manop added. He turned to Ae and gave him a thumbs up. Ae smiled back and returned the gesture.

The conference room was filled with applause as the two partners concluded the most awaited presentation for their company.

KP Technologies Pvt. Ltd. has been one of the leading industries in mobile brand market. The organization was founded and established by Ae and Manop's fathers who then transferred the responsibility to their sons.

Ae and Manop have been friends since childhood and their friendship was going on since two generations.

They both studied together, played together and even got married together on the same day same place. Their wives too are always so close to each other that people often think of them as sisters.

Manop's parents died a bit sooner due to an accident after which Ae's father who was a single parent decided to make sure the two families meet often and stay close. On his death bed he called the two and asked them to promise each other to pass on this bond to the next generation. Absurdly enough, he even stated his last wish to have a promise from both of them that both their first born kids will marry each other so that the business will stay in family and the families will stay united.

The old man asked them to get it signed on a legal registered paper that the company will be sold off to trust if they two are not going to fulfil the promise. To this both Manop and Ae promised, signed and got it court stamped without giving a second thought about anything for the dying man who smiled wide reading and handing it to his lawyer before closing his eyes forever.

As dramatic as it could be, both of them decided that no matter what, they will fulfil his death wish at any cost not only because it was his last wish but also because they did not want their company to be sold off to trust.

After they both got married, and their business was leading well, they received good news from their wives about being pregnant. As fate would have it, like everything else, they received the news in the same week. The due dates of both of them were also very near to each other.

Life was good and now they both were trying to expand their business to the fullest. They were working day and night to get work done as soon as possible before they will have to be engaged in their paternal duties.

As the presentation ended, the two friends walked out of the conference room happy about signing the biggest deal of their life. This deal will make them international best brand in mobile industry. And what was more exciting that Manop's wife Yui was already hospitalized in the morning as it was her due date on the same day.

"Ae, I'll leave now. I should hurry back." Manop said looking at the time.

"Yes my friend. Am so excited. Take care of Yui, ok? And please let me know if you need anyth..."

Ae couldn't finish his sentence before his phone rang.

"Hello?... Yes?... Oh ok. I'll rush there." He said, concern very clearly visible on his face.

"What happened?" Manop stopped in his tracks looking at worried expressions on his friend's face.

"It's Ple... She's got labor pains two days early. Her parents are taking her to the hospital."

"Yui and Ple's gynec is the same right? Let's go together to the hospital then." Manop said and rushed towards the elevator. Ae followed him.

"It seems like our kids are going to be born together as well." Manop said while driving.

Ae smiled wide and patted Manop's shoulder. "This is their fate. They are destined to be together. As per my father's wish, the two kids will be marrying each other one day anyway."

Manop nodded and added. "I wish they get along well and love each other."

"We will make sure that happens." Ae assured.

They both reached hospital and ran towards the two VIP rooms beside each other where their wives were already into labor. They both were tensed and waiting outside when suddenly the nurse appeared from Yui's room.

"Congratulations, it's a boy!" she exclaimed smiling. Manop and Ae felt ecstatic and hugged each other with joy before Manop went in to see his wife and son.

After a while the nurse from Ple's room came out and called Ae inside.

"What is it?" he asked concerned.

"Congratulations Sir. It's a boy!" She said pointing towards Ple's bed. Ae couldn't contain his emotions. He went in to meet his wife and saw his cute little bundle of joy beside his mother. He kissed Ple and held his kid in his hand.

"Are you ok?" He asked his wife to which she briefly nodded still feeling weak.

"I'll go meet Manop and his kid, Ple. Can I take him with me?" he asked enthusiastically.

Ple softly smiled and nodded understanding the excitement her husband was feeling.

Before Ae could knock the door of Manop's room, Manop was out holding his kid. His eyes were teary and he had a huge grin on his face. Both the friends were rejoicing together with their kids in their arms, overwhelmed and teary eyed.

Looking at them, the doctor smiled. She found their friendship so sweet that she couldn't contain herself.

"You guys are the real definition of best friends, Mister. And I am sure your kids are going to go a long way together too. God bless these cuties" She said.

Ae and Manop smiled at her and she walked away. Something clicked their minds with the doctor's words.

Manop looked at Ae and expectantly smiled before asking. "Ae, It's a girl right?"

Ae gulped and took a few seconds before responding. Manop sensed the hesitation and his expressions turned tensed.

"It's a boy!" Ae replied.

Manop looked at Ae with same shocked expressions that Ae had while answering his question and then they looked at the kids in their arms who suddenly started kicking each other's feet and crying.

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