Chapter 26 - Surrendering To Desire

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--- Ohm ---

He smiled at me gently. His eyes mixed with pure love and will to surrender to our desire. My Non is ready to surrender himself to me.

The feeling gave me so much happiness and pleasure at the same moment that I felt overwhelmed with desire.

I caressed his cheeks once before meeting his lips with mine again. I kissed him gently first. I wanted to tell him I am happy. I wanted to convey how glad I am to take this step with him.

Instead of nibbling and sucking I poured my heart into the gentle kiss once and kissed his lips fully alternating between the upper and lower lip.

But as much I was being gentle, Nanon seemed to be running out of his patience and his lust taking control over his mind.

This time he started sucking on my tongue and sucked it so hard like he would swallow me the whole in one go if it could have been possible.

His hands started moving on my back recklessly till it grabbed my butt and the other hand tried to get into my pant from behind.

I moaned and sucked back his tongue with pleasure. He pulled his hands up again to support me by caressing my back when he felt I am back on my lust track.

I pulled up his t-shirt and looked at his milky white complexioned body that made my mouth water just by looking at it.

Nanon raised his hand for me to be able to pull up his t-shirt completely. I threw it and it toppled the vase from the corner table. We broke our kiss to look at it once and then laughed once at each other before starting to kiss again.

I love his taste. The warmth of his mouth with the similar fragrance of his body keeps me at peace and makes me feel at home.

This same feeling though makes me feel horny as well. His hard chest right now is telling me that he is as horny as I am.

This is the thing that I am realizing just now between having sex with a male and female. With Nanon I need not go soft. I need not hold back.

He likes it hard. He likes it bold. He isn't shy. In fact, he is supporting each move that I am making on him. He is making sure I don't hold back.

It's our first time with each other. It's our first time with a male body. He read through me and is making sure I am not hesitating at all.

When I grope him or suck him or even bite him, he is responding so well it's making me crazy.

I have never felt so good in my life before.

His body is so hot that I am drooling within and out just but touching him everywhere.

Our bodies are thrusting against each other with our hardness rubbing through from the fabrics and still is hugely pokable.

I lapped and sucked his chest alternating each side. A few times I could not hold back and bit him too. He is toned. Doesn't have defined abs or anything but he is in shape. And I am conforming each corner of this shape from my mouth. My tongue wants to make sure that there is no corner on Nanon's body that I haven't explored.

I am crazy biting him throughout leaving marks everywhere to make sure I mark my territory from hereon.

This body belongs to me. This warmth, this fragrance these moves, this lust filled eyes, this tongue in action, these fierce nails which have made their own marks everywhere on my back and shoulders... these are all mine. He is mine. And I am his. By all means.

I tucked open his pant zipper and pulled it below to ease his hardness which was still bonded by his underpants. But as soon as I pulled down his pants completely he moaned flexing his hips up a bit giving me a view like no other.

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