Chapter 32 - (Un)Friendly Encounter

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"God! We have been walking around for so long, my legs are paining." Nanon complained.

"Who told you to follow me? I told you to sit back and wait for me." Ohm said.

"Weren't we supposed to walk for just 2 KMs?" Nanon said.

"That passerby said we can only find a mechanic at a distance of 5 KMs. We haven't walked for a kilometer and a half yet."

"What? Really? I thought we have been walking for an eternity." Nanon asked surprised.

Ohm shook his head and kept walking.

He took out his phone to check for signal but he couldn't find any still.

"It's not there. I checked a second ago." Nanon said.

Ohm kept walking without responding.

"Hey, can you piggy ride me?" Nanon asked with a smile.

"Are you Nuts? I am tired too. You wait here by the corner of the road. And walk back with me once I come back with mechanic."

"That's too boring. What will I do on the road alone?"

"Then keep walking. And stop talking to save your energy."

Nanon mocked him by copying his expressions but Ohm just ignored and kept walking.

"Hey do you see that lamp post?" Nanon said.

"What about it?" Ohm replied confused as to why he is pointing to it.

"Isn't it same like the one in front of our street?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"What? I am just trying to make a conversation."

"Didn't I ask you to save your energy?" Ohm snapped.

"I'll die of boredom. Then you will have to drag my corpse. That will be more tiring."

"I'll just leave you here then."

"No no. You need to cremate me properly. Or else I'll come back to haunt you."

"As if you are not haunting me now."

"I see you haven't lost your sense of humor."

"I wasn't kidding."

Nanon rolled his eyes. "Frankly speaking, you can just tell me what has got you so riled up. We can talk you know?"

Ohm looked back for a second before shaking his head. "You are the last person I can talk to."

"So I am right. There is something that needs to be talked about."

Ohm went silent. He did not want to drag it further. He was afraid he will say the truth.

"Ok. I'll change the topic. Well... I wanted to ask by the way. Did you ever fantasize about any guy before? I mean before our wedding?"

"Why would I?"

"Uhm you know... like ever it occurred to you that maybe guys are attractive too."

"I got your question. But no. Never before I felt this way."

"So you feel this way now right?" Nanon grinned and ran ahead of Ohm and turned to look at him.

"Shut up!" Ohm said.

Nanon started walking backward facing Ohm.

"Do you remember our first kiss?"

"I was drunk."

"I was drunk too. But do you remember anything?"

Ohm did not reply.

"Well I remember bits of it. And I questioned myself many times after that. I liked it you know. I never admitted."

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