Chapter 33 - It's My Turn

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--- Ohm ---

"I am fine mom. Really!" Nanon tried to convince mom Ple for the Nth time.

It was 10 PM and we both were mentally exhausted.

After Niran and Rith left, Nanon and I immediately went to a nearby clinic where I made sure Nanon's injuries were treated. Even if his injuries were minor, I wanted to make sure that he had no internal issues.

He kept on nagging me but I pretended to be deaf for the time being. I just want him to be healthy and fine always. No matter how much he tugged on my arm, I did not leave till the doctor gave me a written report saying he was fine from head to toe.

Then I dragged him to eat something. We found a good food joint on the way to the hotel. I did not hesitate to order a lot. He couldn't have lunch and we walked so much. I was starving too. So I ordered meat, vegies, rice and carbs.

I even made sure Nanon get a lot of sugar in his system. He needed energy. He looked pale. He kept on saying that he is full and can't eat anymore. But I forced him to eat.

Once after we were back at the hotel, I made sure to get Nanon a warm shower. I helped him dry his hair and even take his pills thereafter.

After that he finally picked his mom's call. They were fuming mad at him for not picking up. Dad Ae was almost about to leave the house to meet us.

But I had called my mom when Non was in shower and she in turn helped informing his family about the situation.

My dad called me a few times too but I did not pick up.

Today, I am in no mood to talk to him or explain him anything.

But when I saw my dad calling me for the fifth time, I turned to look at Nanon who was busy talking with his mom. I walked out of the door and into the central lounge of the hotel lobby and picked up the phone.

[Ohm! Thank god you picked up! How are you?] Dad asked even before I could say hello.

"I wasn't the one who got abducted." I replied plainly.

[How is Non?] he asked. I could hear worry in his tone.

"Are you worried about him or do you want to know if he is still alive as my competitor?" I couldn't stop myself from asking.

[Ohm! Watch your mouth!] he snapped.

"Ughhh... You know what dad? I am tired today. There has been a lot for me to take in since morning. Can we talk tomorrow?" I disconnected the call without listening to his response.

I don't want to do this anymore. I don't want to. Is it possible for me to run away somewhere with Non? Just me and Non. I don't want this company, these politics, this power and fame to affect us anymore. Not even our families.

I have hurt him a lot. He did not even think about his self-esteem when he kept on trying to win me back from his stupid tricks. Sitting on my lap, doing lap dance. Clinging to me all the time. Locking himself up with me in a loo. I obviously know how much people would have talked behind his back.

I have heard a few of my team members saying things which made me feel like I should slap and shut them up then and there. But I couldn't. Or rather, I didn't.

'What kind a disgusting gay behavior is this in office premises?'

'Just because they are the bosses, are they allowed to do anything?'

'This company is full of fags. Even their assistants are pansies.'

'No shame at all. Aren't company rules prohibiting them from being like this?'

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