Chapter 22- The Game is On

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--- Ohm ---

Should I just go in for a kiss? Shit I moved in too close. I can smell his perfume. I don't know since when did I start liking his scent and his perfumes.

Well, that's how it is now. But he shouldn't have ordered that meatloaf shit. I can smell it too.

Sorry Non. But my first love kiss can't be smelly.

Nanon was flushed and confused.

He took a step back. "What is up with you huh?"

"What are you talking about? I am completely normal." I said shrugging.

Normal is the last word that can define me right now. My heartbeat is accelerating, I am with a guy I like and I am not sure what to say or do. I am so frustrated that it's hard to contain myself. And on top of it, he keeps on asking so many questions.

"Is this what you call normal?" he asked.

"You are seriously a questionnaire." I complained. Yes, I like you but you are irritating as well. God my life full of conflict.

"Wow. Anyway. Thanks for coming." He said. I could see him pout. After all those smiles he might be now feeling offensive at my questionnaire comment.

"Thanks for inviting me. I guess we should do it often." I said smiling.

"How often is often?"

I shook my head and chuckled. He literally is a questionnaire. The only difference is now I am not that irritated as I used to be before.

"Weekly? Bi-weekly?"

"Yeah. But let's go for different cuisine every time."

Great. He himself fixed our future dates. Can I be anymore lucky?

"Alright. I'll let you decide the cuisine next time. By the way have you been here before?" I asked looking back the restaurant.

"Uhhh... Yeah once." I could sense he is lying. But why?

"Ok." I passed it without pressing it further.

"Uhm are you heading home with me now?" he asked.

"Ummm actually I need to meet Drake. I promised him this morning that I will be at his place tonight."

Nanon nodded briefly but he did not seem happy.

"Do you want me to drop you home?" I asked.

"No. That's fine. I'll go on my own." He said with a smile.

"Ok, then I'll... see you tomorrow?" I said.

"Yes. Yeah see you tomorrow."

I waved him bye with best possible smile and as soon as he left I jumped with my fists punching the air. "Woohoooo!" I screamed my lungs out smiling.

Have never felt this lively before. I am actually happy. Knowing exactly how I feel and what I am was a shocker. But once I have accepted it, these little butterflies in the pit of my stomach are making me all giddy.

I like him. I like him. I like him sooooooooo much.


I reached Drake's place at around 10 PM. But surprisingly I saw a pile of vehicles lined up outside.

When I reached in, I found Drake sitting with Chimon, Jimmy and Aim.

Drake waved at me and I waved back at him. And then he got up and walked to kitchen.

"Aim?" I asked my little sister. Aim is friends with Drake's cousin Fon and stays over at times with her. But that was usually when exams are near.

"Bro!" she saw me and jumped up smiling. She ran to me and hugged me. I am meeting her after long time. So obviously even I was happy.

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