Chapter 30 - My Sexy Evil Husband!

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"What? Are you serious? I can't believe... Wait... Do you want me to ask him?" Drake asked Nanon concerned and stunned at the same time.

"Naah... If he wanted to share the reason, he would have done it first thing." Nanon replied.

"But what could it be?" Jimmy asked.

"Must be related to someone he loves more than Non." Chimon replied.

"Shut the fuck up!" Nanon threw a book at his face Which he dodged successfully. They were sitting in an empty conference room after the board meeting.

Nanon told them about the whole thing because he needed their help. He also called Chimon and Aim but Aim refused. She did not tell them the reason but Nanon understood.

"Has Niran told you anything?" Nanon asked Rith who shook his head.

"No sir. In fact, he is also very disturbed nowadays. And he hardly spends time with me." He replied.

"Ooh... Boyfriend problems? Does it hurt? Do you want to Netflix and chill with me?" Chimon teased.

Nanon threw another book at him. This time it hit his head.

"Ow... Fuck you!" he replied to Nanon and threw the book back at Nanon which he caught and smirked at his brother.

"Alright. So what next?" Drake asked.

"What next? These guys are so damn tiring. Since the time this wedding came into picture, I have never spent a day without thinking what next." Jimmy complained.

"I totally agree. I am tired of thinking. Last time Ohm bro made us do the thinking. Now you gathered us. And none of them are offering food in return." Chimon exaggerated.

Drake, Nanon and Jimmy rolled their eyes and ignored Chimon.

"Sir... Do you need my help too?" Rith asked.

"I need everyone's help. Except for Niran. He is never going to leave Ohm's side... But in fact it's good that Niran is supporting him. Someone should stick with him too." Nanon said.

"Yeah. Ok. But WHAT? What are we going to do?" Drake grumbled.

Nanon loosened his tie and thought for a moment before a smile spread across his face...

He took out his mobile and pressed a few keys before everyone received a notification at once.


NonToWinBackOhm (Group Chat)

Nanon – Let's trap Ohmi from every corner...

Chimon – How? Like a mouse trap? What is his favorite food? What shall we put in the cage?

Jimmy – It's a phrase, Mon!

Drake – I seriously can't tolerate Mon in the same message group.

Chimon – Then fuck off. Shoo! Shall I remove you?

Drake – You are not admin :-P

Rith – Sir, what is the next action plan? I am ready and at your service.

Jimmy – We are not at a war field @Rith. Relax and sit down first of all.

*Nanon added Aim*

Aim – Why am I here? Did I not tell you guys to not involve me in anything related to Bro?

*Aim left the group*

Nanon – Ok, no problem. Aim may join later. We will persuade her somehow.

Chimon – Don't ask me to talk to her. I may drag her here by pulling her hair. Always a drama queen. Huh!

Coincidental Husbands - 2 : How Can I Marry A Guy???Where stories live. Discover now