Chapter 35 - We Belong Together (Finale)

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"We are at the location." Chimon said checking the map.

"This building? Which floor?" Love asked.

"12th floor. The address that hacker gave was of apartment number 1203 which is on 12th floor." Aim added.

"Let's go then. We don't have much time." Love said and opened the car door.

"Do we have 5 minutes? Please let me finish this cheese wrap. I couldn't have breakfast because of this." Chimon said.

Love rolled her eyes.

"54 seconds. Shove it in your mouth in 54 seconds. And your time starts now." Aim said looking at her watch.

"Done." Chimon said with stuffed mouth as soon as he shoved the last piece into his mouth.

They three got out of the car and into the elevator.

"Love, you didn't have to be bothered. Why did you come with us?" Aim asked Love while they had no choice but to wait for the elevator to reach 12th floor.

"Coz you needed someone with valid driving license?" Love winked at Aim and they smiled at each other.

"Shit it was spicy. I need water." Chimon complained.

"What was the password again?" Love asked ignoring Chimon.

"1305. It's that resident's birthdate apparently." Aim said.

"Lame password. He doesn't need his house to be protected." Chimon said.

"But why is he messing with us?" Aim asked confused.

"That we will know only after meeting him."

Chimon, Aim and Love reached the door of apartment number 1203. Chimon turned to look at Aim and Love nervously. They nodded to him in response. He took a deep breath and entered the password.

As soon as the door opened the small condo welcomed them with the sound of running water and Elvis Presley's Can't help falling in love.

They followed the sound and walked in till they reached the bedroom.

Chimon saw a pair of underwear on the bed.

Aim and Love exchanged glances.

And then a man came out walking into the room, completely naked.

"Arrghhhh" Aim and Love screamed and ran out of the room.

"Arrrgghhhhh" The guy screamed back and hid behind the curtain peeking his head out.

"Who the hell are you? How did you enter my house?" He screamed on Chimon who was standing there gaping at him.

"Ummm.... Is this yours?" Chimon asked showing him the underwear.

"Give it to me you..."

"Mon can we come in now?" Aim called out.

"Yes please." He said smirking at the guy.

"No! What's going on? Who are you guys? Security! Let me call security." The guy screamed from behind the curtain.

"Yeah go ahead. Come out of that curtain naked. Your cupboard... ummm? Oh it's behind me too. Hahahaha" Chimon laughed.

"What the hell do you want?" he asked.

"Third?" Love said as soon as she entered the room.

"Love?" Third said surprised.

"Third who?" Aim and Chimon asked confused.

"Do you know him?" Aim asked.

"Yes. We were in same batch in university." Love said. She was too confused to understand anything.

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